My Place For Friends
Female 52 years old Wichita, Kansas United States
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Profile Views: 1550
[ 3 ]
08/29/2012 05:42:24 |
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Horror the scarier the better! They just don't make em like they used to!
Still Living in the 80's! LOL
Purple is my all time favorite color
I have 4 kids, 2 boys & 2 girls and now after 13 years Im shockingly pregnant again with #5! Still cant believe that! I also have 3 granbabies 1 boy and 2 girls
Finally having a car after 5 months of being stranded!
People that think they're better than me, God created us all equal, all the money in the world doesn't buy the true love of a family, & good friends.
Fishing with my 13 yr old son, spoiling my grandbabies!
MOM2TASB1 has 3 friend(s)