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mem_normal OFFLINE
81 years old
Marrero (Close to New Orleans), Louisiana
United States

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JOB: Self employed
RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 04/12/2008
LAST LOGIN: 02/10/2012 08:37:13

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May 27 2008, 11:14 am by MOM_OF_5
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Steele Magnolias, Pretty Woman comes to mind now. There are many of the old movies that my husband and I love to watch. I, myself, love the Doris Day movies. We record them when they come on TCM. One old comedy I can think of is The Russians are coming, The Russians are comming. We like to watch the old movies on Turner Classic Movies. That's one of our favorite movie channels. Oh, An Officer and a Gentleman is another one I can recall. If I ever remembered all of the ones I like I propobly wouldn't have enough room here to list them all. I DO NOT like horror movies of any kind.

Oldies mostly from the 50's and very early 60's. We do like some from as early as the 40's too. Boy am I showing our age. A few country.
Here's a little link for the rest of my New Orleanian friends to bring back some memmories.


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Unfortunely I don't like to read. Mostly because I fall asleep when I do try.


It's not always the same or I guess I have several. Sometimes gold, purple and then there are times I see a color I just really like at that time. I do have to say that the yellow rose is my favorite color rose and the rose is my favorite flower

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This is going to take a while.I can tell you my favorite drink is Margarita. That was fast and easy. Now for food; It would be shorter to list the foods I don't like since there really aren't many of those. Let's just say I like most foods. I recently ate Japanese food for the first time at a restaurant my youngest son wanted us to try. It was very good. I don't try many new kinds of food. My parents were the type of people who didn't eat out much and our meals consisted of home cooked American traditional meals of meat, starch, vegetables and a salad of course. I ate my first slice of pizza at the age of 18 on a date. Had my first experience with Chinese food while stationed in the Boston area after being married for many years. A military family friend suggested a Chinese restaurant to us so we tried it. We've been eating Chinese ever since. One thing I do have to confess to is I absolutely love seafood such as shrimp, lobster, crawfish (a local quizine), crabs and some fish. I've been on the Atkin's way of eating for a while. I started on that in August of 2004 after having gained to much weight. I think the insulin I was on was one reason I kept gaining. I was so heavy it was difficult to walk because of the pain in my back. I lost 70 lbs in that first year. We evacuated from Katrina and had to eat what was available and affordable. I've gained 30 lbs back so now I'm doing my best to go back to that way of eating because of being a diabetic. It's hard but when you have to choose life or foods that aren't good for you I choose life. I have so much to live for.

Marrero, LA (70072) Weather Forecast

Suziqcrab (one of my daughters) and tiacole4 (one of my daughters in law)

Myspace Calendars, Fun Calendars at WishAFriend.com

It's been a while since I've been here so I have some updating to do. Our youngest son will be deployed to Afganhistan during the early part of next year. His baby girl and wife as well as all of our family and theirs will miss him greatly. We're asking for prayers that he will return safely. He did volunteer for this but I'm upset & scared all the same. That past year has been a safer for me but my husband has a pinched nerve in his spine which he is getting Epidurals to treat. The first one seems to have relieved some of the pain so maybe the second one which he will get next Monday the 8th will give him more relief.
We are now members of s few motor home clubs and have been on a few campouts which we enjoyed immensly. We would be on a campout right now if Jim wasn't suffering with that pinched nerve. We look forward to the next one we go on which won't be until Feb. of 2011. That's the next one scheduled by the clubs.
I'm not going to go into all of the family adventures and mishaps of this year because I'd need several pages to do so since our family consist of 5 aldut children and their spouses plus 11 grandchildren. I am going to try to visit here more often then I've been able to do this year.
My husband has been suffering from shingles for almost a month now. I don't know what to o for him to relieve his pain. I sure hope he gets some relief soon because he's not able to do anything but stay in bed on pain medication. I don't know how to drive that motor home and we have to take it out Tuesday night to get to my daughter's house. We have a lot of cooking to do Wednesday. I'm going crazy with worry.
I did have the second spinal surgery and have gone from wheelchair, walker, 4 footed cane to a single foot cane. I still can't walk much or stand for a long time but at least I can walk. I'm hoping with time my indurance will increase. Although there's still plenty of pain I do what I can then rest. Over the counter pain medication seems to help more then those narcotics so I take those.
Another spinal surgery will be done on Aug. 11th just 4 days before my birthday. I'm trying to get things caught up before then. I'll also try to catch up with the pages of my friends fefore then.

Well guys, I fell again yesterday and had to be taken to the hospital. Aftern a few hours of tests I was told I had a compression fracture of my L3 vertibrea. So here we go again.

Updated 4-3-2009

Yesterday my son and daughter in law learned that they'll be having a girl in August. My son is a little disappointed but Diane is thrilled. The tech told Brett that the next one might be a boy. I guess they'll have to have a least one more. LOL Just wanted to share that info with my friends who read the 'News & Announcements' updates.


Our youngest son and daughter-in-law just found out yesterday that they are pregnant with their first baby. How wonderful for them. They are military (Air Force) stationed at Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, LA. My son Brett is 23 and our daughter-in-law Diane is also 23. I wish them all the happiness in the world. I know they will be great parents. Due date is Aug. 14th. My birthday is the 15th. What a birthday present huh?

No more improvement of my arm is expected. I have little range of motion but I'm able to get my hand to my mouth as well as use my computer and drive. I had my hair cut as short as possible because it won't go up to my head. Now that that's done and I'm over it I will continue to exercise to get any improvement even if none is expected. If it possible I'm going to do it.

First of all I talk a lot. I can't seem to say anything in just a few words. I don't know how much more there is to tell about me other then I was born and raised in New Orleasn, LA as was my husband. I attended St. Rose de Lima grammer school and graduated from there in 1958. I attended Colton Jr. high for my 9th grade only as Catholic grammer schools here goes through the 8th grade. I gruadeted from F. T. Nicolls high school in 1962 and married my husband that September. That's what girls did back then. I wouldn't change it anyway as my husband is a great man and has always put me on a pedistal. He is a romantic too. I hope my sons are as much a gentleman and a romantic as my husband is. My greatest wish for my children is that they're marraige is as happy as mine. We've had our argumemts but marriage takes work on both parts. Give and take not all take by either party. We both agreed when we were first married that there would never be a divorce in our future and I was lucky enough to get a man who is a wonderful person. My late Mother in law did a great job.

Margaritas! Being a member of a military family, having 5 children (3 girls and 2 boys) and 10 grandchildren(7 boys and 3 girls) including twins (boy and girl) and my life generaly. Margaritas! We all enjoy camping and have been campers for about 40 years. It was an inexpensive way to vacation while raising so many children on military pay. Margaritas! Being married for almost 46 years now and many other things in my life. Margaritas! I enjoy computing and would love to learn more about it. Margaritas! I like the people I have met during my life (for the most part) and enjoy the friends in my life today. Margaritas! There are many other things I like but who would have the time to read all of that. Margaritas!

Not having more time to spend with my parents before they passed away many years ago. My husband's military career taking us away from both our families for so long. I don't like house work, cooking, laundry. Neither do I like people making appointments with me to show them property and then never showing up nor calling to canceal. Lots of things going on in this country and the world. Way too much to mention here. Not having prepared better financially for these 'golden years'. The cost of living today and I could go on and on.

Camping, which we've been doing for about 40 years now. We started out with a pop-up camper which was actually a glorified tent on wheels with notihing but the beds and table in it to a 36 foot motor home now. This is good to have since we live in an area subject to hurricanes. We learned this when evacuating because of Katrina and Rita. We would love to do more camping but with the cost of fuel it's not very likely. We had always wanted to tour more of our country by motor home. It doesn't seem that's going to happen. We'll be camping more closly to home now but we'll still go camping. I've had many other hobbies through my life but dropped them for some reason I don't recall at this time.

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08/15/2021 06:26:39

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