All about an over-the-hill woman! (Ooops! sorry)
Female 90 years old Hoskins, Nebraska United States
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01/26/2016 21:25:22 |
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Hallmark and Life movies on TV. Never go to the theatre anymore.
I read many books. Right now I'm reading books by Maeve Bentley from Ireland.
I'm a retired teacher and an active (sort of) housewife. My husband and I farmed and raised six kids on the farm. We kept foster children for many years and I did house cleaning for others and worked as an Outreach Worker.. I taught before my marriage in 1955 and got my Bachelor degree in 1982. I then taught 15 years, mostly in the wonderful country schools with all grsdes, K to 8. After I retired I substitute taught until about 2000 when the arthritis in my knee, which began when I was in my 30s, made it impossible to walk so I had knee replacement surgery. In 2002 I had the other knee replaced and it got infected so we spent many years going to doctors and hospitals for surgeries (9 in all) and for me to have antibiotics. for which we'd have to drive 12 miles each way, twice a day. Finally I was in the hospital for 4 months straight and the doctors in Norfolk, NE gave up on me so I found a wonderful doctor in Omaha who gave me yet another replacement and I have it to this day. I had to have more surgeries as infection always came back and I am on antibiotics for life now. Now I spend too much time on my computer or watching TV. We go to exercise classes at the YMCA twice a week and now our calendar is loaded with confirmations and graduations for the next month. We live 120 miles from Lincoln where we have two grandchildren graduating and 5 hours from our KS grandchildren who are being confirmed and graduating. We have nine grandchildren, one who was adopted from Russia last year by our single daughter who went over alone to get her. Amanda is 5 years old now and a real sweetie. We adopted a wonderful 4 year old Collie/Australian Shepherd dog, Rusty, last year--I figured if Kathy could adopt so could we!
It had been a long time since our last beloved dog died. My husband is also retired but he's always busy fixing fences, cleaning roadsides or building something to help someone. We live on the same farm we bought 54 years ago.
Family gatherings and also friends with whom we play cards (pitch and other card games). Food, computers and televisions. I'm interested in genealogy as my Mom and grandparents came from Russia (Mom was a German from Russia) and my dad's folks came over from Ireland. And now I'm keeping busy with pictures, trying to sort out pictures from many years and putting them on computer disks for my kids. One good thing was that I put them in albums so my own family pictures are in order but I have so many I've gotten since that are not. I am so busy with all these things that it is hard to find time to keep up with Not Over The Hill. I have around 4000 or more emails to clean up--not sure how many as my inbox window has shifted to the left and I don't know how to fix it. I need more hours in my day!!
I like having my husband lotion my back and feet. I find it a little hard to do with this dumb knee and it is nice to be pampered.
Clutter which I can't seem to eliminate. My kids say they'll burn the house down when we die, but I sure hope not since we remodeled in 2000 and I told them I'd hide money in the boxes of paper "stuff" so they'd have to go through it.
Guess I mentioned them already. Genealogy, photos (I made my 50 year old daughter a book of "50 Photo Memories" in which I put pictures of her from the time she was a baby to graduation from high school, along with comments, and just last month I made a letter-picture for a dear friend with pictures and comments from when we first met after 8th grade exams till we married. She was so pleased as was my daughter and everyone at her birthday party. I've started to write my life story but don't think I'll get that done in this lfie time. I keep a daily journal since 1979 and that's fun to go back and reread--if I only had time!
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