Female 90 years old Florida United States
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02/15/2019 17:44:00 |
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Nov 30 2010, 6:52 pm by Maggi
Mar 28 2010, 2:02 pm by Maggi
May 23 2008, 10:30 am by Maggi
"The Mouse that Roared" and other early Peter Sellers movies. "It's a Wonderful Life", "Anne of Green Gables", and "Gone With the Wind" are my all time favorites.
Classical and semi classical, easy listening, Tom Lehrer, folk singers of the 60's.
Historical fiction and epic novels...most of James A.Michener, Irving Stone, Eugenie Price, Mauve Binchy,and the James Clayton Porter "White Indian Series". When is the next Jean Aurl book going to be published????
I really don't have a favorite color, like and wear all. But a peek in my closet, one sees lots of reds.
Hot fudge sundae
Very rare prime rib
Big Florida navel oranges
Cheese broccoli soup
I am a retired elementary teacher. I have two daughters and four grandchildren, whom I adore. We got our first computer Christmas '82, such as it was... we've really come a long way, baby. Pretty much self taught on the computer.
The spiciest thing I eat is Heinz Ketchup!
Life is really just a game, so let's all play it to the hilt and enjoy!
Happy people.
Getting together with old friends from elementary school days... even if just via the 'net. Spending time on my computer. Being able to do what just what I want to do, age has its advantages.
Learning new things.
Spending time with my children and grandchildren.
College football... Go Gators
Grouches, why make everyone else miserable? Loud or rude people. Cooked mushrooms!
That my grandkiddies don't live closer.
Getting photos ready for some serious scrapbooking. I have so many supplies, must get busy and produce.