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Turning 65 does not mean life is over.

77 years old
Lincoln, Missouri
United States

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Profile Views: 4196

JOB: Retired
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 04/05/2008
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 07/02/2019 18:05:17

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Sep 09 2011, 9:56 am by Margaretmonteleone
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Feb 11 2011, 11:23 am by Margaretmonteleone
1 401
Jan 24 2011, 1:52 pm by Margaretmonteleone
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Dec 08 2010, 2:17 pm by Margaretmonteleone
6 238
Nov 26 2010, 10:16 am by Margaretmonteleone
4 172
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I am an avid reader and often have several books lying in different rooms, reading them all.


RED is my favorite color

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There are many: lean steak, shrimp, lobster, ceasar salad, peach ice cream...to name a few of them.


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06/29/2019 09:23:51
03/02/2013 23:53:12

Jared Lloyd 2-5-1968--5-10-1968

Twas on one cold February morn,
Forty-two years ago
My son was born.

He was such a beautiful bundle of love
And I knew he was sent from heaven above

His smiles were many-
His cries were few

To look at him just broke my heart
And from him-I never wanted to part.

But god had plans
For my infant son
Tho unaware at the time
In a few short month my
Babe was gone.

That day he left was like any other
I was too wrapped up in being a Mother
To notice things weren’t quite right
I wonder-did he suffer in the night?

If I had known that was our last day
I would have held him more and
Not gone away

Time has past and my life has gone on
I manage most days without many tears
Then his birthday comes round
And I count the years

I wonder about him
What would he be like
Would he have grown to be tall
And handsomely smart

I cling to the hope that my baby
Can see
that I loved him so much
And still do; though now its just me

His Daddy left here some time ago
And I hope he met Jared
And they laugh and they smile
And share stories together

My Momma’s there too
With my baby son
And I know she will
Tend him until I come

So I will have to make due
With the life I’ve been given
And be greatful and thankful
For the son now in heaven.

They say that when a child
Is too special for this world

God takes them and holds them
And makes them his own

Jared was mine
But just a short while
He was on loan
And I still see that smile
The one that he gave
When he seemed asleep
He was talking to angels
He wasn’t mine to keep.

Jared's newborn Picture

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****There comes a point in your life when you realize:

Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore...
And who always will.

So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Wow, lots has happened since I was last here. I left my home and husband in June of 2011 and went to live with my sister. I filed for divorce and my divorce was finally granted in July of 2012.
I received a private Face Book message from the youngest daughter of a guy I went to High School with telling me that her Mother had died of breast cancer in 2010. I worked with her many years ago and introduced her to a guy I went to highschool with, but did not know well. They married within six months. I never saw them again until our 40th High School reunion. That was in 2006 and she died within the next four years.
Anyway, my friends daughter said her Father was going through some really rough times and was depressed. He and his wife had been married 41 years when she died. His daughter asked if I would mind talking to her Dad and maybe meeting him for a cup of coffee a meal. At the time I first received that message I was just to depressed myself to be able to help anyone so I declined her invitation but told her...maybe someday. In May of 2012 I finally decided I would like to meet with my old hs friend and we set up a time and went to an art fair in downtown Springfield, Missouri. We had a great time. That was June 1 of 2012. We started seeing each other regularly and I cannot believe my good fortune. He is a really nice man, as upbeat as I have ever met and I can't imagine my life without him.

I like going to the movies, eating out and just spending time with my special fella. I play lots and lots of Scrabble and Words with Friends online. Lots. I don't know where my life is headed but it seems right.
**************************************************OH MY!! My first day back in a very long time and you honor me by making me a FEATURED MEMBER. Thank you so much.

Negative people turn me off. I refuse to be around them. Life pretty much takes care of itself if one keeps a good attitude.

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