Jared Lloyd 2-5-1968--5-10-1968
Twas on one cold February morn,
Forty-two years ago
My son was born.
He was such a beautiful bundle of love
And I knew he was sent from heaven above
His smiles were many-
His cries were few
To look at him just broke my heart
And from him-I never wanted to part.
But god had plans
For my infant son
Tho unaware at the time
In a few short month my
Babe was gone.
That day he left was like any other
I was too wrapped up in being a Mother
To notice things weren’t quite right
I wonder-did he suffer in the night?
If I had known that was our last day
I would have held him more and
Not gone away
Time has past and my life has gone on
I manage most days without many tears
Then his birthday comes round
And I count the years
I wonder about him
What would he be like
Would he have grown to be tall
And handsomely smart
I cling to the hope that my baby
Can see
that I loved him so much
And still do; though now its just me
His Daddy left here some time ago
And I hope he met Jared
And they laugh and they smile
And share stories together
My Momma’s there too
With my baby son
And I know she will
Tend him until I come
So I will have to make due
With the life I’ve been given
And be greatful and thankful
For the son now in heaven.
They say that when a child
Is too special for this world
God takes them and holds them
And makes them his own
Jared was mine
But just a short while
He was on loan
And I still see that smile
The one that he gave
When he seemed asleep
He was talking to angels
He wasn’t mine to keep.