Marianne's Home
Female 68 years old Oregon United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1452
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Christian - other |
03/26/2012 16:27:18 |
romantic, comedies, some thrillers
country, soft rock, easy listening, oldies
suspense, biographies, some thrillers
shades of:
My name is Marianne, I am 52years, married to my best friend for 9 years we have 4 children between us, 4 grandchildren....I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2002..I was born in Calif, reside in Oregon now, lived in Texas for 4 years..I met my husband on line 10 years those that think on line romances don't work or last well for me it certainly has..My family means the world to me and are my greatest supporters with my illness...I have 2 corgi's that are like my My husband is a Master Driver and I enjoy traveling with him when my health permits it....When I am not with him he is never alone his side kick Louie is always with him.
playing bingo on my computer, surfing the web, hanging out with my family, traveling with my hubby when I can, making new friends on line
anything with obscene adult content, people that are not honest, animal abusers of any kind
computer, horses, raising corgi dogs, BINGO
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