About Me
Female 76 years old Glastonbury, Connecticut United States
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09/30/2021 07:42:50 |
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Sep 30 2021, 7:54 am by Marti
Ecletic here too. I like a lot of movies, most all of them except gory ones. From the silly to the scary. Crime, politics, war, happy.
Ecletic taste, from Country to Spiritual to Rock.
Eric Clapton, Jeff Buckley, Randy Newman, etc.
Authors - Anna Quinlen, Elizabeth Berg, John Grisham, Ayn Rand, Pat Conroy, Anne Tyler, Wally Lamb, Johathan Frazen, Dave Eggers, and others I can't think of right now.
Honey Crisp Apples, Krystals, My son-in-law's homemade chicken soup, Corn on the Cob, Tomatos, Ice Cream
I live in Connecticut. I have two grown children and three grandchildren, whom I dote on at all times. My grandson Jack says "you are a grown up, but you can think like a child." That about sums it up for my personality. We moved up here in 1982 from Atlanta, Georgia. So I was raised a Southerner. American by Birth, Southern by the Grace of God. I love to read and write and I do both a lot. Some of each is for personal pleasure and some is for education. I've been divorced for 13 years and was married for 28 years.
I like the beach and the mountains and particularly like that living in Connecticut makes me one hour away from either.
I like cats and dogs, but am allergic to both.
I like books and movies and comedies and profiler shows on TV.
I like to walk.
I like to play tennis.
I like to play with my grandkids.