Female 78 years old Elgin, Ontario Canada
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Profile Views: 736
[ 3 ]
02/13/2010 19:07:35 |
old movies, mysteries, anything sherlock holmes (Rathbone/Bruce), War Games, Avatar, Blindside, Classics(BBC), Miss Potter,
Country, Bluegrass, Gospel, 60's Rock, Pop, some Classical, Big Band, Live Theatre,
Faron Young, Jim Reeves, Alison Krauss, Ricky Skaggs, Country Gentlemen, Jersey Boys, Celine, Anne Murray, Michael Buble,
Authors: Barbara Bickmore, Nicholas Evans, Nicholas Sparks, Dick Francis, John Grisham, Louis L'Amour, Rosamund Pilcher, Mario Puzzo, Kathy Reichs, Anne Landers, Erma Bombeck, Peter Gzowski, Margaret Atwood and many more
The Godfather, The Notebook, The Back of Beyond, Shattered, Jubal Sackett, Winter Solstice, The Weight of Water.
Sunny days, rainy days, fishing, good food, great wine, faithful friends, volunteer work, singing,
Snobs, grumpy people, waiting, housework, rudeness, disrespect,
Quilting, fishing, music, cooking.
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