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mem_normal OFFLINE
82 years old
New York
United States

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JOB: Self employed
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MEMBER SINCE: 04/12/2008
LAST LOGIN: 04/08/2020 11:23:38

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Movies that are about people or animals, don't like scary movies or the monster movies.

Enya, Country, Show music, spirituals, some Rock 'n Roll and some Reggae and some HipHop. Basically if it's a good song and I like it the type of music doesn't really matter. Also like the oldies.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Craft books and Organic Gardening.

Red is one of my favorite colors since it makes me feel strong and powerful. Next in line would be maroon or burgundy and then blue and white.

Any food really except red meat which I don't eat. If it's spicy (not too but just enough to give a kick) it's good. I don't eat out so it's just what I cook without preservatives and artificial ingredients and when possible and affordable organic.

I'm a single Mom with 2 grown children and one wonderful grandson. I am no longer a caregiver since my Dad passed away 3 years ago(2009). As of now I have no pets - I had to put my last cat down Jan 2010. I was hoping that now that I am 70 I would be able to do what makes me happy but taxes and expenses here are outrageous. Due to circumstances and expenses here in NY I am now working full time. In the very new future my cards that I create will be in a local store. I met the gentlemen who are opening their store in the next town over at the craft fair that I attended with my crafts in March. They approached me and asked if I would be interested and of course I was.
I am not home enough to have a pet but it is lonely without them. When I move I plan to get a dog, a pit bull or pit mix and a cat.After all the years with either a dog and cats it's still weird a year later not having a warm creature to meet me at the door when I come home.
I love my crafts. Now that the weather is warming up it's time for my other enjoyment being outside and gardening organically. As I go for my walks it's most enjoyable to be aware of all parts of nature from the flowers that are blooming to the birds who are singing or talking to each to the variations of the clouds in the sky.
And I'm never growing up because grown-ups have no fun. So I'll stay young in mind and I hope body for a long time.

I like being around warm, friendly considerate people. Love being out in nature. I like being home with doing what makes me happy.

Rude, inconsiderate people. Don't like people who think the outside is their garbage pail.

Quilling, counted cross stitch, polyclay, rubber stamping and trying anything Tim Holtz, organic gardening, reading. Used to have time to sew and will eventually get back to it.

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03/30/2021 06:37:45

04/07/2020 11:46:18

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03/30/2020 13:02:36

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Hello.  I have a virtual pet. Not quite the same but helpful to a degree.  Stay safe. Anne

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