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Don't take me too seriously!

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85 years old
United Kingdom

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JOB: Unemployed
SMOKE: Sometimes
MEMBER SINCE: 04/26/2008
LAST LOGIN: 10/27/2011 04:38:34

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Oct 12 2011, 4:55 am by Mondayb
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Action. Raiders of the Lost Ark and sequels for instance.
Sci Fi. Almost anything.
Comedy. Life of Brian and Dr. Strangelove come to mind.
I also like most horror movies.
And I still have a thing about cowboys and indians!

I love most types of music but lean towards country. Wandering around a few pages I found jayseahawk and thought I could cut and paste everything on his list. Would add my No1, Johnny Cash plus Dr. Hook and Shel Silverstein. Cannot forget the Beatles and most fun rock. Do have a great liking for novelty music and stuff that is so bad it becomes good!

My top two albums are not from the above list.
Dark Side Of The Moon.
Heaven and Hell. by Vangelis.

Said the little boy, “Sometimes I drop my spoon.”

Said the old man, “I do that too.”

The little boy whispered, “I wet my pants.”

“I do that too,” laughed the old man.”

Said the little boy, “I often cry.”

The old man nodded, “So do I.”

“But worst of all,” said the boy, “it seems Grown-ups don’t pay attention to me.”

And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand. “I know what you mean,” said the old man.

(Shel Silverstein)

I like almost anything.
Have just finished an old book I bought cheap.
"Goodbye Lizzie Borden". A very strange story.
Have just started "Tricks of the Mind" by Derren Brown.
Next is "Quirkology" by Professor Richard Wiseman.

I am reading a very interesting book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.

That has to be RED.
It's all to do with football.

Top of my list is Thai.
I like food from almost anywhere. But not Indian. Pity as there are so many Indian restaurants about.
Roast lamb and mint sauce
Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding are my Sunday choice!
Then there is seafood!
The list is endless!
And add to this.
Creme Brulee.
I must stop..........
I am starting to dribble!

When I left school I joined the Merchant Navy as a cook and saw much of the world. Then I met my wife and moved to London and settled down to a normal life. I spent about 34 years out of 40 working with the Samaritans, and I am still involved with Amnesty International and another help line. I also still work for a social group. At 58 I was offered voluntary redundancy with a giant sum of money and almost a full pension. I jumped at it! Then I worked part time for a couple of years. But my wife started suffering with osteoarthritis and we left London for somewhere quieter with no stairs. We moved into this great bungalow but unfortunately my wife died after two years and I am now not only an orphan but also a single parent. OK, so my kids are long grown up but I'm looking for the sympathy vote here!
When my wife died I took the advice I have given out over the years and looked for new ideas. My local airport have flights all over Europe so during the winter I take a monthly long weekend to anywhere I have never seen. 21 flights to 11 different countries. Had intended to do the whole EU but it keeps on getting bigger! Only Moscow is still on my "must do" list.
My 4 kids and grandkids hardly ever see me. But they get a lot of postcards! I spent last Christmas in a refurbished castle in the Czech Republic.
I also go to football (I have a half share in a season ticket for the ARSENAL) and cricket occationally and love watching snooker on TV.
I have had cats and dogs over the years but now only a plague of frogs in the wildlife pond I built. And I breed pet rocks.
And I am not retired yet. Just unemployed!

Laughter: It's infectious. So why not spread some!!
Real Ale: A slightly cooled, locally brewed beer really makes my day.
Musicians: I would have loved to be able make my own music.
The great feeling I get when someone says "Thanks".
Astronomy: Seeing things my neighbours never see and trying to understand the size of the Universe.
Travel: Other countries and their languages, traditions and food.
Hungarian Goulash in Budapest. Makes sense!
Arguments: The only way to really see other people's views and fine tune your own. It should end with points one and two on the list with point three in the background.
Food: An evening with friends at a restaurant miles from home.
"You got to look on the bright side, even if there ain't one." (Dashiell Hammett)

WOO-WOO or just plain "woo". In particular the psychic scumbags who feed off the lonely and the vulnerable.
"The only good psychic is a dead psychic!"
-Arnold Lane
Also people who "delight in their dislikes".
So will shut up

Lots and lots. Most pressing at the moment is gardening.
Milder nights mean my 6 inch telescope will get more use. I have a large collection of stamps, specialising in a few countries, and the same with banknotes. I spend too much time on the computer. But not enough to really learn anything. I enjoy cooking and make my own wine to go with it. I did do family history but have now given everything over to a much younger cousin. I like trying new liqueurs and have a collection of miniatures!
I play crib in a round robin tournament as often as I can, plus the occasional game of gin rummy. Also enjoy a few late night poker sessions. When I have the time I enjoy a game of snooker or pool.

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