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no date or place written on back of photo cropped

In Loving Memory of Patricia Marie Arntzen

April 27, 1948
at rest
December 12, 2011
funeral location
St. Joseph/St. Patrick Church of Escanaba, Michigan
funeral date
Friday December 30, 2011 10:00 AM
buried (next spring season)
Division 6 Block 77 Lot 11 of Lakeview Cemetery in Escanaba, Michigan
Escanaba Daily Press - Obituaries - Patricia M. Arntzen

Sorry for not posting this information earlier, I had trouble getting access to her account, I eventually found the email account she used to set this up and was able to do a password reset.

My mother first went to the hospital on November 11'th, 2011 and her condition gradually declined from that point forward. She was under the effects of anethesia from 2011-11-20 through 2011-11-25 and underwent two surgeries during that time and never fully recovered her strength. After refusing to stay at a nursing home she was finally able to come home December 3'rd 2011 and was able to have some comfort before finally dying in her home as a result of complications of the second surgery (at least that is what I have been left to assume as no one has ever bothered to contact me to explain what actually happened, and I don't have the time to pry the answers out of them.).

memory OFFLINE
76 years old
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1626
[ 879 ]

Referrals: 2
Who referred me: RG123

Profile Views: 1627

JOB: Retired
MEMBER SINCE: 04/27/2010
LAST LOGIN: 01/29/2012 13:57:26


MsMeoow      Oslo, Norway   New Zealand

Places I've been: Born in Michigan's U.P.
Earth& women are from Venus.

40 states + Africa, Canada, England, Europe, Ibiza, Ireland, Jamaica, Lanzarote, Mexico, Scotland, Scandinavia,
Michigan=30yrs, California=1yr
Norway=13yrs, IL=2many

Education: Radiology, X-ray Tech:1967-70
            DeVry Instit.Of Tech:1992-95

Favorite Music: Listen to ↑.
Favorite Pieces/Songs: Pachelbel's Canon in D, Perlman's Hatikva, Irish Washer Woman, Dreams by FleetwoodMac, Love Shines by Patchouli

Favorite TV shows: A.Hitchcock, Castle, Chuck, Dog Town, Hallmark, History, Lillies=BBC, Medium, Monk, Road One, Twilight Zone, Upstairs-Downstairs=A&E
Favorite Films: Sound of Music, Little Princess, Green Mile, March of the Penguins, Parent Trap, Pollyanna, Tiger Bay, Mary Poppins, August Rush, Count of Monte Cristo, Martian Child, Quiet Man, Shadow of a Doubt, The Bear, Harald & Maude, Michael Moore films, Lorenzo's Oil, Pay it Forward, Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio, Ghost, 10 Lost Yrs.
+ForeignFilms: KitchenStories=Norwegian, As It Is In Heaven=Swedish, Babette'sBanquet=Danish, Lives Of Others=German, Muriel'sWedding=Australian
Favorite Books: Take your pick:
Edgar A.Guest's Poems & my Birthday Book for friends to sign, both from Dad's Mom Marie, Diary of Anne Frank, Dewey the Library Cat, Wesley the Owl, Albert Terhune's collie books & my all-time favorites: address book & check-book, LOL I'm often found reading a book.
Favorite Quotes:We don't know what we've got til it's gone~JoniA.Mitchell+We don't know what we've missed until it arrives~MsMeoow
Favorite Colors: GREEN + peach, pink, gold, aqua, brown, all fall colors,not black,dark purple,gray,red

Favorite Flowers: pale pink carnations, frangipani plumeria, lillies of the valley, frilly lillies, most flowers

Favorite Smells: newborns, clothes rinsed in Downy, leather, fall leaves, flowers, mowed grass, JungleGardenia, patchouli, rainy days, evergreens, campfires, cardamom, coconut, tea, popcorn, desserts & turkey in oven, skunks (all trigger good memories)

Favorite Food & Drinks: berries, cherries, grapes, fruit, fish, lamb, poultry, venison, Ikea foods, my chicken soup, mushrooms, norsk rømmegrøt, cold nype soup, cardamom waffles, Norwegian bread, broccoli, carrrots+swedes+potatoes boiled & mashed with butter, whip cream, Blue Moon ice cream, herb tea with soymilk, Brita water. Avoid enriched flour, white sugar, corn-syrup, carbonated drinks,dyes.No mayo, gravy, diet/decaff drinks, pea soup.
Favorite Outings: the woods, Botanical Gardens, library, art museums-water colors, the theater. With post-polio, I can no longer hike, bike, ski or skate. I can still smile, swim & sing.
Favorite Folk:
  My identical mirror-image twin in heaven with Dad
  My friends who support me in good times & bad
  My family who makes me either happy or sad
+ Mother Teresa
+ Fridtjof Nansen-Explorer/Humanitarian *LINK*
Favorite Critters: bees,
cats, deer, elephants, fireflies, giraffes, polar bears, robin red-breast

Favorite Places:

Thanksgiving countdown banner
Winter countdown banner
Spring countdown banner
Summer countdown banner


We 10 kids. My↑ identical twin & the 10th are in heaven↑.

Halloween Stuff
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Apple Cider
Black Cat
Caramel Apple
Dead Dust
Full Moon
Haunted House
Ink Tricks
Kit-Kat Bar
Mask or Maze
Night Fog
Owl's Feather
Quirky Smells
Rowdy Kids
Spider Webs
Unwrapped Candy
X-ray Vision
Yucky Hairball
Zig-zag Path

MsMeoow has 4 friend(s)

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