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mem_normal OFFLINE
77 years old

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Mar 21 2009, 2:14 pm by MsMouse705
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You have to meet Kingsford. The cutest little piglet ever.

Who does not remember The Ventures? They began in 1958 and are still going strong with annual tours in Japan, along with other shows. They finally, at long last, made it to The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 10, 2008. WAY TO GO GUYS!!!!
I have the pleasure and honor of counting the group's co-founder and lead/bass player among my online friends. Hi Bob!!!!
I have just a couple of my many favorite numbers of theirs on my playlist. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Oh, this is hard to answer, I love to read. If I don't have a book I'll do package labels. I am not going to offer favourites here, there are just too many. But I will say that I like action, I also like a book to make me laugh, cry, or any other emotion, but not fear.

Any that you will make for me, but if I have to do the cooking, again just about anything. I am not picky, but fresh veggies are a must

My Daughter's Maui Wedding

April 10/09, Good Friday, I hope that everyone is having a grand day. It looks like, hopefully, winter is finished with us at long last. From my window I see my crocuses survived, I see color out in the backyard, yippeeeee!!! but I still can't get out there for all the piled up snow that is still there between the crocuses and the steps. I like the shade in the summer but it sure does slow the melting process down. Another couple of nice days will fix that I hope.

My son and my daughter's Boston Terrier playing tug-of-war

I have two great kids. My son, still single, is 32, my daughter is 28. She was married on Valentine's Day 2007 on a beach in Maui. It was the 10th anniversary of their first real date. So romantic. What a wonderful wedding, simple, casual, but oh so beautiful. It totally suited them. And I fell in love with the island.

Just a few of the hundreds of photos we took while we were on Maui. It was hard to choose.

Friendly people, all things nature, sunset, sunrise, walks along a beach.
And I love my computer, so may of my friends live there.

I despise bigotry and racism, as do most of us I'm sure. Drivers on the road that forget how to use their turn signals. Job interviews. Snow and ice and long, cold winter months. Television commercials that seem to imply that we are all dumb. The fact that so many kids on this earth live in poverty and not being able to change it.

I like to do most needlecrafts, cross stitch and embroidery but mostly knit and crochet. I have recently come across a relatively new thing which combines those two, called croknit or crochetnit. I am still trying to get comfortable with that.

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