For music lovers :)
Female 52 years old Australia
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2725
[ 8 ]
01/07/2014 06:24:48 |
This months featured artist is Elvis Presley, I thought seeing it would have been his birthday this month it's a very nice way to start my brand new page :)
Hello and welcome to Musical Haromy2
My name is Sherilyn and music has been a huge part of my life as long as I can remember. Every month I will focus on different artist or my favourite music in general. I love most generes of music so please free to share your favourite music with me.
My personal NOTH page is Sherilyn27472
I hope that you have enjoyed your visit and I hope that you'll come again soon. Love, light and best wishes Sherilyn :)
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