I'm no longer going insane, I'm there, moved in and set up for business!!!!!
Female 70 years old Near Kingston, Ontario Canada
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11/25/2008 10:19:44 |
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To many to mention. Absolute 3 Kleenex Favorites...Fried Green Tomatoes, The Color Purple, The Joy Luck Club, Porky's 2, (the scene in the restaurant's is the funniest I've ever seen) The Chronicals of Riddick, Hudson Hawk, Happy Feet, Eight Below and I thought the new Iron Man was just terrific.
Cat Stevens, Shania Twain, The Carpenters, most groups from the 60's, 70's and 80's that didn't do hard rock or heavy metal. Like Queen though.
Love most books so listed the don't likes instead. Don't like books about real criminals or their crimes, politicians (almost the same thing), cheap sex filled 'romances', people who THINK they're important or interesting, 'how to improve the imperfect you' books, 'I was the victim of (put whatever you want here) books or books by people who will 'put you next to God, just send me $45 and three post dated checks for $100.00 and I can guarantee you a palace in heaven! Amen.'. another but anyway....
For the sky, blue with a bright white sun in it
For the grass and trees, rich green, though I do love the golds and reds of autumn leaves
For flowers, so many colors but I'm particularly fond of cream colored roses like the John F Kennedy
For my coffee cups, cobalt blue glass
For jemstones, blues, reds and mauves in a sterling silver or white gold setting
For clothes, blues, reds and black/greys
For my sweet tooth, deep, rich dark brown of semi sweet chocolate in bits, bars or icecream
what isn't my favorite is shorter. Liver but I love liverwurst, can't swallow chowder or anything poached in milk, and game meat to me tastes like eating an old tree stump. I make a great pork hock stew but have trouble with ham because some of them are heavily salted. Coconut oil makes me throw up so I try not to eat any of that but I can eat dessicated coconut and coconut milk. Mott's Clamato Juice also makes me really sick and while I love big chunks of all sort of veggies in a stir fry, I can't seem to swallow anything made with those bags of peas, corn and carrots, even the juice makes me gag. And that's about it.
Well, it looks like I won't be having the Gastric Bypass procedure after all. I had to tell the doc that I've had bouts of serious depression on and off since I hit puberty and he wanted me to get assessed by a shrink 'just to be sure I could handle the surgery'. That I handled seven open abdomen surgeries in five years without a problem and without a shrink didn't seem to count...so to please him I went to a shrink. He was really nice but a little concerned that I was dealing with serious depression without professional (or medicinal) help and suggested that he would be willing to take me on as a patient, I said thank you but no thank you, I've had my fill of doctors tinkering with my brain and I'm quite content to deal with my problems my way. Dr Poplawski, on the other hand, seems to feel that my going back under psychiatric care for a year or so is a good idea and then he'll reconsider operating on me. Been there, done that (x6), AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN. So the surgery isn't going to happen either. Oh well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. But that's what's new in my world these days. Bye for now and take care and remind me to tell you about the bunnies. lol
What can I say? I'm 5'3", have naturally curly brown hair that I keep cut short, wear glasses and I'm obese...though I carry it well. My name means 'helper of mankind' and I tend to live up to that name, for some people that means I'm helpful, to others who are trying to mess someone else up that means I'm interfering But when I look at the people who like me as verses the ones who don't I know I'm doing something right. I believe in doing the Right thing, even if it's not the accepted or popular thing but I'm also kind and I try not to hurt anyone unless I absolutely have to. I love to talk, I'm intelligent, articulate and know a little bit about almost everything, I also sometimes tend to teach rather than talk, it's a bad habit I'm trying to break. I'm very sociable and will often strike up a conversation with someone I've met on a street corner or in a store but I'm also very comfortable with just myself or the members of my family for company for long periods of time. I listen well, am always ready with a hug, a kind word or a shoulder to cry on but if you mess up, be prepared for a scolding while I hug you. I HATE being unfairly criticized or publicly humiliated but I will forgive you sooner or later, Criticize or humiliate a member of my family and though I won't get you back, I will remember it for years. But then I also kick myself for years over humiliations I've caused others, so what can I say, it's a minor ODC. Anyway....
For the most part, and despite the fact that I seem to intimidate people at first, once they get to know me a bit people seem to like me so I'm content with the person I am but outside, a beauty I am not, Oh well, nobody's perfect.
My husband of almost 35 years, the center of my universe, my grandsons who bring joy and wonder to our lives, reading, movies with lots of action and special effects, and good romances like Bridget Jones. Chocolate. NCIS. Warm summer days, bbqs on our deck with my husband's famous charcoal cooked chicken and my famous potato salad, really garlicky Ceasar Salad and family and friends around to dig into the feast. Chocolate. Cold, sunny winter days with pure white snow covering the ground, home made soup simmering on the stove 14and fresh buns or biscuits warming in the oven. My computer and playing kingdom building computer games. A long soak in a big, deep bathtub. Fresh, sun warmed tomatoes from our garden. Chocolate. Cups and glasses with flowers on them in soft colors. Cats, dogs, er...all baby animals and most grown up ones actually. (except hyenas, I hate hyenas). Tim Horton's coffee and looking for gadgets on special at The Source. My crocs (knockoffs really) all 18 pairs of them. Being told by my dentist that I don't have any cavities...for a change...and by the way, have I mentioned chocolate???
People who use and abuse others. I HATE people who abuse children and I feel people who hurt animals should be publicly caned until they learn to never do it again. I'm not fond of people with big guns who call trophy hunting 'a sport'. It's only a sport if the creature you're hunting has a big gun as well and can hunt you back. But that's only my opinion. Katsup with eggs, Kraft Dinner or grilled cheese sandwiches. Chowders or anything poached in milk. My very expensive front loading washer. Bullies and bad sportsmenship. Rudeness. PMS. Hot, muggy days. Cold, damp days. Trigeminal Neuralgia. Games who's only aim is to kill other people. Powerful people with big egos and little minds. Grandchildren who bang on things and make lots of noise first thing in the morning when I am still asleep...I am NOT a morning person.
See 'what I like' for some of them. What I haven't mentioned....camping in a tent in Provincial Parks, there are bears there but the park people usually take care of them. Collecting odd little gadgets and over sized coffee cups (to drink my morning coffee from), I also sometimes indulge my urge to buy bright shiny bits of colored glass and someday I might even get a fish tank to put them in. We also grow flowers and veggies though my hubby does most of the grunt work, my job is to plan the gardens, supervise the work and them preserve the stuff we've grown. I have a great recipe for making pancake syrup from dandelion flowers. But anyway....
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