Hello dear friends of Noth I am looking forward to catching up with you all.
Female 79 years old Kurow New Zealand
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Christian - other |
09/14/2015 17:33:36 |
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Gone with the wind.
The Cider house Rules
Time of the Butterflies
Enjoy any good story thrillers or good real life drama hard to beat. I enjoy movies and will watch as long as it has good story, scenery, not too much of the heavy stuff...find cursing a bit hard to handle.House series. Enjoyed it so much got all the series. Most true to life films hit the spot and a good romantic comedy is nice too.
Dan Tika
Andrea Bocelli
Norah Jones
Enia any good music actually
Oh I enjoy almost any music I love visiting some of my friends of Noth that have some very good music to listen to on my visit. One day I might be able to share my own music.
Dennis Lehane
Maeve Benchley
Bryce Courtenay
Catherine Cookson.
Danielle Steele
Haven't had time lately to read very much but lovely to flick through any garden magazine or book, always on the lookout for fresh ideas.
lavenders/green/violets I really love all colours
a good steak, tea bone, rib eye & salad or roast with lots of salad and gravy. Fish steamed with seafood cocktails.
fresh fruit of any kind. I love eating fruit of any kind, and actually I do adore chocolate and russian fudge come to think of it LOTS.At present I am trying hard to eat well and following good guide lines to lower any problems with cholesterol.Whitebait patties.
Have found this a bit hard to follow at this stage as I am still wanting to spend time on the Hill.
Have been away from Noth for such a long time it is like returning to an old and dear friend. So many old and new friends to catch up with.
Following some major health issues now on the fast road to recovery since becoming an avid Jin Shin Jyutsu follower. Have missed the Noth in my life.
Still enjoying life and love my hobbies, family & Married life. Settled and love being semi-retired after a hectic busy working for ourselves life. I believe in the universal rules to life.I believe what you send out always comes back to you. WHAYEVER you send out!My favourite saying is I can because I know I can. I will because I can.
I dont usually give up on things too easily and stay the course. I am finding it a little hard with some of the computor jargon and hope to master the internet and graphic downloading soon.
my enviorons, mountains, my life, animals,my home
my husband. Springtime,flowers, trees, actually all of nature. Lately Jin Shin Jyutsu. I enjoy tampering with the computor taking photos of my surrounds and my grandchildren Love to paint and doodle with art of any kind.My beautiful pets Broni, Bud,Sargent, both of these wonderful pets have since died and have left a major gap in my life. .
Hearing from my wonderful friends from the Hill. My wee sports car Celica.Long lazy days when I can get them. A good movie time with my friends and a good laugh. I love to wander and explore our wonderful country.I adore my grandchildren.
Maniputlative people,people who are unable to be truthful, negativity, what is happening around the world (wars,famine, cruelty, especially to children and animals.Rudeness lack of social skills in people Self induldged people Ignorance, racial slurs. I find foul mouthed people hard to take.Gossip is also a disfunctional act. I dislike agression in people and those that try to hide there true intentions. I dont like cigarette smell on people.People that do not honour their debts. such as rents on rental property.
Cardmaking, scrapbooking, photography,gardening, my grandchildren, my husband.Some cooking reading and the computer upskilling in any area. Learning all things new. especially Jin Shin Jyutsu a self help art that has helped me recover from a heart condition that cannot be fixed by using the skills of the surgeon with bypass.
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