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81 years old
Monmouth, Illinois
United States

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Profile Views: 2951
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JOB: Retired
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 03/28/2008
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 03/13/2016 12:47:18

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A Summer Place
Gone With the Wind
I like comedies, romances, thrillers. I just plain like to watch movies.

I like Oldies from the 50's and 60's. Rick Nelson was my very favorite. When I was a young teen, I had pictures of him covering all the walls in my bedroom. Drove my dad nuts with all the tape on the paint.
I like most kinds of music, except rap. But Oldies are my favorite.

I like mystery-romance-thrillers mostly. Right now I'm on a Janet Evanovich kick. I'm at #8 or her series. Her first book, "One For the Money" will be out really soon in movie-form. Once in a while I'll sneak in something with a little history to it because in school I did not like history and now I wish I knew more about it.

My favorite color is red. But now I also like green and navy since the #88 has changed his colors. :-) I also like all of the fall colors.

I honestly don't know what my favoite food would be. Unfortunately I enjoy all kinds of foods. I can say I do not like oysters no matter how they're fixed. It might be safe for me to say that food is my favorite food. And boy, does that get me in trouble!

Everything is fine here, I just don't seem to have the time to dedicate to my page that I should, but I do miss all my friends. I've lost track of CanyonRiver who used to be my contact person. I hope all of you are well and enjoying life.

I'm 68 years old, have been married for 50 years in Feb. We're planning a cruise to Hawaii to celebrate sometime this year. I have a son and a daughter, two grandsons, one great-grandson two great-granddaughters. Our great-grandson is a little over four years old and a complete joy. He goes to pre-k and is teaching them a thing or two! His little sister is not quite three now and she's a cutie. She looks very much like our daughter when she was young. She claims to be a "Princess" and I definitely believe her. We now have a second great-granddaughter by our oldest grandson. Of course she's also a cutie. She's 10 months old and developing her personality. I believe she'll be a little live-wire. We have lived in the country since 1973. We started out with 98 acres. A major highway went through and took 25 acres. Then a couple of years ago, my husband sold some of the land and we now have 24 acres. Some day I may have to leave the country, but I hope it's a long time away yet. We used to take fishing vacations but a few years ago we went to Annapolis for our niece's wedding at the Naval Academy. That was very impressive. Then we spent a couple of days in Washington DC seeing all the things we'd only heard about all our lives. We took a train from there to New York City. We enjoyed a beautiful twilight cruise around Manhattan and the next day we visited Ellis Island and Liberty Island. I have wanted to see the Statue of Liberty ever since I was a very young girl. I found my grandparents' names on the wall at Ellis Island. That's what I'm pointing at in my profile picture. It was a wonderful vacation. Flying is definitely the way to go! Two years ago we took a tour/cruise of Alaska that was out-of-this-world! There's beauty everywhere you look. This year we will take a cruise to Hawaii for out 50th wedding anniversary. We can hardly wait. I enjoy working around the house and especially with flowers during the summer. Several years ago my daughter got me interested in watching NASCAR races. Dale Earnhardt Jr. was her driver, so he bacame mine also. Several years ago my husband and I planned a trip to Florida to visit our son and I asked my husband if he would please go to a race with me. He didn't like racing at all. He said he would if I promised never to drag him to another one. We went to the Budweiser Shoot-Out at Daytona. When the first car zoomed past, my husband was hooked too. Since then we've been to races at Chicagoland, Phoenix and were all set with tickets and hotel to attend the race at Atlanta four years ago but had to miss it because of a death in the family. We were disappointed, but knew where we belonged at the time. I'm loving being retired.
We had to put down my 18 1/2 year old cat named Mack two years ago. That was certainly a sad day in our world. Since then I've gotten another cat. He's half Siamese and half Ragdoll. Since he's part Ragdoll I named him Raggedy Andy and call him Andy. He is an absolute sweetheart. I didn't think any cat could measure up to Mack, but Andy is his equal. I enjoy quiet time, too. I don't always have to be doing something to enjoy life.

Please sign my guestbook while you're here visiting!

There are so many things I like. I like 'real' people. People with a sense of humor. I like my husband, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and all of the rest of my family and friends. I like to crochet, read, fish, having lunch with friends, rooting for the #88. I like loons! I have quite a collection of them. I also like Boyd's Bears. I have quite a few of them, also. I like going to our YMCA and working out and swimming. I like my cat, Mack. He'll be 17 this May. I love being retired. I don't know how I ever had time to work!

I don't like phonies, gossips. Oysters. Hurtful words. Once they're said they can't be taken back. Spiders. I'm sure there are lots more things I don't like but can't think of them right now. Actually I try not to focus on the things I don't like but rather on the things I do.



watching and going to NASCAR races
working in the yard with my flowers

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01/02/2022 09:34:52

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