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Female 75 years old Iroquois Falls Canada
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Profile Views: 1568
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06/15/2015 19:39:35 |
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country of course! Although Adele is a new favorite to!
Almost everything except depressing true stories. Lots and lots of fiction - fantasy, historical romance etc. Have a Kobo Vox e-reader and I just love it! Thought I would miss the "book" but it's the reading I truly love!
Jan 2015 - graduated to the ipad few months ago - I'm almost current lol
Blue - all shades and variations of Blue! And as I "grow up" silver is fast becoming a necessary "like" too!
This is a tough one - cucumbers, bagels, cheese, pasta and bread - none of them the diet kind! After joining weight watchers this year, I realized there are lots of foods I like - very few of them on the recommended list! Must be why I need weight watchers? lol
As of Jan 2015, to heck with weight watchers! I'm just going to stay "a little round"!
I have 3 amazing grandchildren! And of course, to get them, I also have two amazing sons and wonderful daughter-in-laws!
Retired from nursing in 2014. Thought I would have a period of transition, but not even for a second!
My spouse is my number one "like"! My two favorite canines, Maggie and Zoe, who love me unconditionally - every day!
First full year of retirement already passed! Wow! where did the time go? Have been enjoying sewing/quilting; Recently crossed-stitch a picture of my granddaughter - her Daddy was thrilled to get it for his birthday this weekend!
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