My mission is to help people in the loving way that I was helped when I needed the help!
Female 76 years old Cleveland, Ohio United States
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Christian - other |
09/29/2010 10:14:14 |
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It's been too long since I've seen something I liked a lot. I enjoy comedies. I love romantic films with Richard Gere and the Australian actor who hosted the Oscars!!
Greek music, of course! In addition to that, Classical, Lite Rock, happy tunes like "Celebration", some Native American music, some Hindu music, some Irish (Celtic) music.
Law of Attraction
The Bible
The Passion Test
The Prophet
The Secret
The One-Minute Millionaire
RED! I enjoy jewel tones for my clothes, or a combination of red, white & black. But for the home, I enjoy a more tranquil look - mostly beige or tans with just a splash of color.
I have several! I enjoy my bread too much! If my body would get all the protein and nutrients from just eating fruits and raw vegies, I would be happy! I also enjoy Chinese veggie stir-fry with broccoli. I'm mostly vegetarian, but when I'm in a gathering, I eat what's on my plate.
I have not explored this yet. Who does this serve?
Steve Kallman, Husband.
Or do I have to give names of members of NOTH?
My conference call with our Director of Sales-Marketing was a huge success! We fortunately had plenty of people show up, which was my main concern. Now, I just have to catch up with everyone who called about this! Fortunately, most of the people I've contacted are really excited and are having great outcomes with this new formula. And some have not tried it.
My main focus is to set an agenda where I hold a conference every Monday night for my group. That's in the works.
I serve well. I used to be an executive assistant. After a couple of downsizing exercises and bosses moving away, I chose to leave corp. America and attended nursing school in my late 50's. Right now, I'm very busy with this huge adult stem cell breakthrough. I am helping a lot of people.
I enjoy honest, sincere people who exercise their awareness. I very much enjoy inspirational speakers and books or DVDs that empower me to let go of those self-imposed limitations. I am learning to let go a little more at a time. It appears it's a life-long journey to let go of everything! At the end of each day, I ask myself: "Did I love enough?" If I like the answer, I sleep better!
I do not like dishonest people, judgmental people or critical people who talk before they think! I avoid closed-minded people who are not willing to accept the individuality in all people or embrace change.
I become very angry when I see an animal or child that is hurt or crying. I do not like injustice. My first impulse is to even out the score with the perpetrator; I do all I can to allow God to balance things out, but it difficult to watch an animal or child that was abused or neglected.
My business is my hobby! I love it! I am a health coach and personal coach; and I derive great pleasure in helping people to achieve their goals. My primary hobby is my own evolution and in helping others.
I’m focused on this business, not only because it’s creating the income I choose, but because the product is such a major shift in wellness, it will create a dramatic difference in people’s health and overall way of being! I consider myself to be a revolutionary – to help people move beyond their current way of thinking and embrace a more evolved way with regard to their health, a way that will serve them much better in the future.
My choice of career is not just about having an additional income stream. It’s about helping people to become more awakened – to demand more out of life and to get it!! - to move from being spectators and take responsibility for their outcome!