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mem_normal OFFLINE
82 years old
United Kingdom

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JOB: Retired
SMOKE: Socially
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RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 11/21/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 04/17/2010 16:44:44

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Havn't been to the cinema for over 30 years now but some of my favourites are Dirty Dancing, Roadhouse,The Great Escape and any film with Steve McQueen as he was my favourite actor.

A little bit of everything I guess, classical,country,gospel,latin,disco and some pop. Love Elvis Presley. I have been a fan since 1956. We have some great British groups such as Take That, Duran Duran and Westlife. I enjoy all of their music.

I don't read very much but when i do I like biographies.

I love all colours but my very favourite is lavender and the colours associated with it such as purple and violet.

Chinese,Indian,Steak,fish and of course English dishes.

I am new to the Hill and would love to hear from as many of you as possible. I will always return a message and it is so good to see how other people spend their lives.

I was born on American Thanksgiving Day November 26th 1942 in a village in Kent.I still live in Kent but much nearer to London,about 12miles away. The great thing about living in Sidcup is that it is only about 2o minutes to central London by train and only 30minutes into the beautiful Kent countryside. I have a daughter Lyn who is forty and a beautiful grand daughter called Chloe who is ten.I have two recue cats, one white, Sally the other black called Sooty. Sooty was badly injured by two foxes and had to be put back together and I know that if I hadn't had her perhaps nobody else would.
My last job before retiring was in the city of London where I was a pension funds administrator. Now I am at home, two or three days a week I collect my grand daughter from school and look after her until her mum comes home from work, also have her on Saturdays. We get on well. There is also plenty to do at home, although I am not keen on housework, but hey, it has to be done.

I love my computer, play a lot of games as it keeps the mind active. I also enjoy photography.
I love and respect all animals as they have every right to a good life as we do. Big cats especially the tiger are so beautiful. People who are sincere, honest and kind.I also like good manners. Please, thank you and excuse me go a long way and it isn't hard to do.

People who lie and cheat. Child abuse and animal cruelty is something I hate as they cannot defend themselves. Spiders. I can't abide rudeness and people who are dis-respective of others. Oh, heavy metal and rap. Much too loud.

Crossword puzzles, digital photography and when in the mood counted cross stitch.

PatriciaP has 4 friend(s)

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11/26/2021 07:23:52

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