Female 84 years old Dunloy United Kingdom
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1658
[ 7 ]
08/06/2010 16:25:36 |
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Almost all music but particularly, 60's, 70's pop and classical music generally but not Opera, traditional jazz, folk, but please no Country and Western
Classical, Political Thrillers and most other Thrillers
Vegetarian: Special Favourite. Sweet and Sour Stir Fry with Smoked Tofu!
English and live in Northern Ireland, Quiet but with a sense of humour I am a retired management consultant. Taking things slowly at the moment as I have just been rather ill, so slowly does it and I will bounce back
Good Manners, Peace and Quiet, subtle humour, all animals, the environment, reading, photography and probably a lot more if I sit and think!
Rudeness, Questionable jokes, sweeping judgements, talking about fashion, shopping, cooking etc. Hypocrisy
Photography, Gardening, Reading, Animals, wildlife and the environment
Perrycornish has 2 friend(s)