Female 64 years old Canada
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1152
[ 32 ]
Christian - other |
12/25/2019 16:02:48 |
The Ten Commandments(Charlton Heston version), The Passion of the Christ, The Nativity Story, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus, The Sound of Music, The Princess Diaries 1 and 2.
Contemporary Christian Praise music, Bebo Norman (Lift my Eyes), Third Day (Cry Out To Jesus), etc. I also like counrty, classical, jazz, relaxation, and chinese instrumentals (like they use with Tai Chi, etc), Native drum pow-wow, and spanish cantina.
The Bible. The "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, the "A Cup of Comfort for..." books, "Chocolate for a Woman's courage". I also like "Embraced By the Light" by Betty Jean Eadie. And I like anything by Florence Littauer. And I also like lots of non-fiction - books about forensic sciences, pets, nature, gardening, recipes, crafting, medicine, and health.
My favorite color is blue, my second favorite is green, my third favorite is yellow. I like the color of green growing things.
I love Mexican, Italian, and Chinese. I don't like them too spicy-hot though, I like them mild.
My favorite fruit is strawberries, my favorite vegetable is potatoes, and I like grainy breads. My favorite desserts are sherbet ice creams, fruity cheesecakes, anything with lemon, and key-lime pie. My favorite drink is milk. My other favorite drinks are tea, water, and sparkling water, orange juice, and lemonade, in that order.
I'm a 59 year old Christian woman, divorced 18 years now, and I have one child, a son, 27, who has Aspergers Syndrome. And one cat, Ariel Rose, 2 1/2. I'm 5'5" tall. I have green/hazel eyes, and brunette hair cascading below my shoulders in a mop of gentle waves.
I love God, my son, my two best friends, going to My church, volunteering, walking in the woods. God is first and foremost the center of my life. I love Christmas but wish it was at a warmer time of year. I like peace, quiet, and tranquility, but I also like a good violent, wild, thunderstorm. I love cats and have one lovely, gentle female cat of my own, my Ariel, who is 2 1/2 years old. My beautiful old cat, Xena Marie, crossed over the rainbow bridge this past August 21st, age 19 two weeks short of her 20th birthday. Miss her so much!
I love going to the Calgary Stampede every summer, Watson Lodge in the mountains, visiting my brother, and spending time with my only son, Kyle, and my sister Kathleen.
And I love it when the weather is warm, warm, warm. I love heat!
I don't like cold wintery weather, snow, and ice.
I don't like it when I see people doing things with no regard for others, ie, throwing junk anywhere they want to, smoking wherever they want to. I don't like it when people bust up bus stop shelters or commit other vandalism. I don't like liquor, cigarettes, drugs, or any other abusable substances.
Foods I don't like include: anything maple-flavored, anything vanilla-flavored, quiches, coconut, fast-food, most processed foods, soda pop, and I can't stand coffee.
I love gardening and growing greenery, flowers, and vegetables. I love riding my bicycle. I like to go for walks, both in the neighborhoods and in the woods. I love to swim.
I like reading, writing, sewing, crocheting, and painting. I like computers because you can do so much with them. I like being crafty, making things. I also like learning about different things, learning on my own at my own pace.
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