You can find Sovereign G-D in everything.
Female 64 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1876
[ 15 ]
07/12/2010 08:52:09 |
Music with lyrics based on truth, not tunes composed with a compromising mindset promoting the yetzer-hara to feel better.
Books of the Bible, Apocryphal writings, Jane Lead writings, Jakob Boehme writings, etc... too much to list here.
At all times.. There is only One Friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Am spiritual but not religious. Was removed from out of the traditions of men a while back. i read, watch movies and political news, in light of spiritual implications against me by what is presented before me having the same nature as all peoples of the earth. Having believed the first report against me via the necessity of the cross and requiring G-D the Son to die because of me. Am just one more vessel in need of G-D's undeserved gracious mercy. The very peace of the Most High to all according to His Will, as script says, it is not by our own desire nor will, but by the One Sovereign Will. Shalom
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