Female 64 years old waikato New Zealand
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Profile Views: 1081
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06/09/2012 14:07:34 |
ones that make you feel, draw you in and spit you out an emotional mess
anything mild and mellow. easy listening
but every so often a good dose of Kiss or Queen go down well
i don't do lite reading but i have over 2000 books in the library. It used to be the guest room but with books on all the walls the bed had to go.
deserts, i love rich decedence on a plate
I'm pretty layed back, quiet, relaxed sort. I like my own space and I do share.
Real people and good conversation.
The cover not matching the book
My biggy is honesty. I don't see the point in lies as you have to not only remember them but remember who you told what. A lot of backwards to go forwards and I don't get it.
I have a few, I'm an artist= Real life (nudes)
I garden, bake and make fancy dress costumes.