Just Me
Male 79 years old United Kingdom
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1048
 [ 104 ]
03/23/2011 17:07:12 |
Adventure stuff, Master & Commander, Where Eagles Dare, that sort of thing and scary stuff like Carrie.
Almost anything except the boom boom rap stuff
Non-fiction mainly. History, autobiography & the like. Hate booklets with instructions on how to do things - I always wind up with a screw left over.
Close call here but I think it has to be red with blue as a close second !
Love Chinese and Greek but I am adventurous! I like to 'invent' my own recipies and I have to say that some of them have been pretty grim, even the Billy Goats have walked away ! lol
Nooooooo - Not into twittering or blogging.
Living quietly in Cornwall UK after a life of world travel in previous employments.
Details can be seen on my travel page at http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/112535
Good food, dining out, holidays, PC and my dogs
Rude & inconsiderate people,spiders and jumping in the shower to find the water is cold.
PC, walking and hiking, photography, sailing and fishing