Female 83 years old Otane New Zealand
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12/10/2010 17:41:25 |
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Nov 20 2010, 12:34 pm by RosieB
Not a movie person - but have enjoyed some immensely via DVD and rare trips to movie theatres. I have a real favorite though and that's 'the Last of the Blonde Bombshells' with Judi Dench
Jazz/Blues/Swing from 30's - 70's
But I also enjoy a wide variety of music - I just enjoy music and movement.
I also love Tai Chi music and exercises
I read a lot of books.....I used to be a Senior Assistant in a City Library !
I read all sorts but am not much into Chic Lit .....I think I'm a little bit old for that.
Burgundy/plum/purple tones
I Love Colour

All sorts but not hot and spicy. Love Italian style.
Adore Avocado and choc/orange biscuits or chocolate
Love Plunger coffee and Cappuccino
Sunrise over Otane, NZ
Wings72 ( Sister....Betty)
Rose - 'Playboy'
"Mind is the Master power, that moulds and makes,
and Man is Mind,
and ever more he takes the Tool of Thought,
and shaping what he wills,
brings forth a thousand joys,a thousand ills …
He thinks in secret
and it comes to pass;
Environment is but his looking-glass."
James Allen
I have lived in a very small town in the North Island of NZ for nearly 27 years, with my Peter, whom I chose to be my 'Partner in Life'
We've done "the Good Life" here and had a hardworking but great time doing it. We've also worked at paid employment while following all these other activities. Organic vegetable gardens, free range poultry, goats (for a while) sheep for grass munching, dogs, cats. We've made friends with and hand fed some of the local wild birds. All in all - it's been a great life, 5 years ago I had a major face to face with Death. I had a brain aneurysm, which I just survived and have recoverd from remarkably well. My motto through all that terrible time was "I was born to be perfect....and I will be again " So - here I am......not quite perfect - but I've done my best
Every day of my Life is now very precious to me and each one feels like a bonus.
I have 2 adult children from an earlier marriage - a son in Australia and my Daughter in Rotorua, NZ
Between Peter and I we have 6 grandchildren.
I like Roses. I like people who have an ever ready sense of humour and those who are sensitive to others feelings. and I like feeling 'good about life'
I like playing cards with friends. and I love to go to a cafe, with a friend and have a good coffee -

I don't like 'Dishonesty, or insincerity. I love music but I definitely don't like extremely loud booming music.