If You Can't Have Fun, UR On The Wrong Planet
Male 69 years old Indianapolis, Indiana United States
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Christian - other |
05/12/2012 21:59:06 |
Sometimes It's A Bitch
Well I've run through rainbows and castles of candy
I cried a river of tears from the pain
I try to dance with what life has to hand me
My partner's been pleasure...my partner's been pain
There are days when I swear I could fly like an eagle
And dark desperate hours that nobody sees
My arms stretched triumphant on top of the mountain
My head in my hands...down on my knees
I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I've laid down with love and I woke up with lies
What's it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not what's in the mirror...but what's left inside
You gotta take it as it comes
Sometimes it don't come easy
I've run through rainbows and castles of candy
And I've cried a river of tears from the pain
I tried to dance with what life had to hand me
And if I could...I'd do it all over again
Sometimes it's a bitch...sometimes it's a breeze
Sometimes love's blind...and sometimes it sees
Sometimes it's roses...and, sometimes it's weeds
Sometimes the picture just ain't what it seems
You get what you want...but it's not what you need
Sometimes it's a bitch...sometimes...it's a breeze
Hey man, I'm alive,
I'm taking each day a night at a time,
I'm feeling like a Monday
But some day I'll be Saturday night!
Hey my name is Rudy, where did I go wrong?
My life's a bargain basement,
All the good shit's gone.
I just can't hold a job,
Where do I belong?
I'm sleeping in my car,
All my dreams are gone.
Ny name no longer matters,
My love is bought and sold,
I'm only 53, I feel a hundred years old!
My lady friends went and
Took my innocence away,
The street life ain't much better,
But at least I'm getting paid.
Now I can't say my name,
Or tell you where I am,
I want to roll myself away,
Don't know if I can.
I wish that I could be
In some other time and place,
With someone else's soul,
Someone else's face.
Tuesday just might go my way,
It can't get worse than yesterday,
Thursdays, Fridays, ain't been kind,
But some how I'll survive!
Some day, I'll be Saturday night!
I'll be back on my feet,
I'll be doing alright.
It may not be tomorrow,
Baby, that's alright,
And I ain't going down,
Gonna find a way!
Hey man, I'm alive!
I'm taking each day
A night at a time,
Yeah, I'm down,
But I know I'll get by.
Hey man, I'm gonna live my life
Like I ain't got nothing
But the roll of the dice.
I'm feeling like a Monday,
But some day?
I'll be Saturday night!!

I am a tragedy wrapped inside a mystery plucked from an enigma. I am your deepest longing, your worst nightmare, that which goes bump in the night, that which enflames your soul. I am the morning's sunrise, a brunch in a secluded cabin, a wave crashing upon the beach, the burst of a new blossom, the solo of a whippoorwill, the fog rolling through the holler, a foghorn on the river, the beam of a lighthouse, and the sad man in the moon. I am that which your heart craves, and that which your mind and friends can no longer stand. I am the heat of the summer, the ice of winter, the rebirth of spring, and the harvest of fall. I am that which once was, and may never be again. I am Lancealot of the Lake, Merlin of the forest, and Morgana of the Darkness. I am all of this . . . and more . . . and less. I am the basest of all creatures, and God's greatest creation . . . . . I am simply a man. You must struggle and suffer to receive the sweet nectar inside. It is there waiting for those who strive to complete the journey. I am not what you expected. I may be nothing you want, but everything you seek. The good . . . the bad . . . the ugly. I am a traveler along life's highway, a student of the unexpected and undefined, an explorer of what is now known as "politically incorrect", but used to be known as intelligent thought and common sense. Are you sure there is nothing to fear? Depends on your view of various activities. Nothing harmful or dangerous, but maybe things you have never dared try. How does one learn if not through new experiences, approaches, thoughts? That's one new pleasure I have enjoyed since being freed from other people's expectations. What is there that I haven't done? Why did I wait? And why not enjoy passion and life to the fullest? Who said it was "unacceptable"? What century? And why? I would never stifle or hide your light, but try to understand and bask in its glow. I let people be themselves, and try to go with the flow. Very little upsets me. Ordeals only make us stronger, and let us appreciate better days, better ways. They lead us to a new tomorrow, and aid in our development to a better person. Lord knows, I must be approaching Superman by now! I have lived the road less traveled. And wouldn't have it any other way. Why be conventional? I have not lived as fully as the blessed people, but I have enjoyed all of life's passions in some form or other in various little corners of the world. I am me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine because I alone choose it. I own everything about me ¿ my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be toward others or to myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By doing so, I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts and imperfections.
I am a Scorpio, even tempered, happy most of the time. I love blackberry wine, candle-light dinners (even the ones I prepare), and sitting by my fireplace looking into the light of memory and wisdom. I take care of my health as best I can. I own my own home and an adorable cat named Michael. I have lived outside the United States in Hawaii, Germany and South Korea. I have visited France, Belgium, Japan, and the Philippines. I have traveled through most of the eastern and southwestern United States. I love all kinds of music except hard-core rap, my favorite artists being Cher, Meat Loaf, Tina Turner, Celine Dion, Travis Tritt, Stevie Nicks, Craig Chaquico (not really a "singer"), and Melissa Etheridge. I am originally from Ohio, but have lived in Indiana, Kentucky and Texas, in addition to Hawaii. Have lived in Indy for 19 years. Die-hard Ohio State and Chicago Bears fan. I am not a great seafood fan, preferring Italian or Mexican, with an occasional Chinese thrown in for variety. But cod, salmon, mahi-mahi, or catfish just hit the spot! I enjoy concerts, plays (am a VIP member at Beef and Boards in Indy), movies, and the zoo (am a member of zoo and Gardens). I like walks in the rain, watching sunrises and sunsets and full moons. My favorite authors are Jack Higgins, Robert P. Parker, and Tom Clancy, and I am trying to understand Stephen King. I despise head games and "little white lies". Raised in a small town, am truly amazed at all the adventures and passion I have experienced and lived through. Can party with the good ol' boys, or put on the dog for the big wigs.
Life has been one big acid trip! From draft dodger to Army soldier to DoD systems analyst, the long-haired hippy paid his dollar and enjoyed the ride! From brilliant sunshine to a dark cave, from freedom to prisoner, from stoned crazed student to stone cold killer, I've learned, loved, experienced, existed, and suffered a long strange journey along the highway. The hills of Ohio, mountains of Europe, the Rockies and the flat dry desert and cool abundant plains have all drained a little life, pain and blood from my soul. From beautiful maidens to ugly skanks, from Bubba's to bad boys, friends and enemies one and all each in their time. Strangers have shared the travels and the burdens, some lightening the load, some increasing the pressure, some just observing the solitary man in the shadows. I have a diploma from Ashland High School, an Associate¿s Degree from Hawaii Pacific University and my BBA from McKendree College in Illinois, a master's degree from the school of hard knocks, and a doctorate from Confused State. The finest wines, the worst rot gut, and every substance in between has provided me with liquid refreshment. Shot, stabbed, poisoned, dragged behind a truck, walked out on, rode hard and put away wet, used, abused, confused . . . ah, life is for living and experiencing!! Lived most people's nightmares, enjoyed some people's most pleasant dreams.
I'm da man you be lookin' fo'! I have the IQ of a twit, I have the looks of a cadaver, I'm God's gift to beached whales, I walk on water, and King Kong ain't got nuttin' on me! My parents didn't have any children that lived. You've probably seen me before -- America's Most Wanted, COPS, the Post Office: who knows? I'm a few fries short of a Happy Meal, my elevator don't go all the way to the top, the light's on but nobody's home, there's a few cards missing from the deck, and if you're looking for a few good men, I ain't it! Size don't matter . . . it scares the crap out of you. I have many talents, but most of them are illegal. I can count above ten after I take my shoes off, dumb animals like me (I make them look intelligent) and the shock treatment is just about over. I gadiated from the school of Hard Knocks magna cum loaded, and have 98.6 degrees. I can out drink any gerbil, outfight any wet noodle, and on a good day, if you stand down wind, I ain't half bad.
Who is this idiot, this moron, this total geek, you might be asking. Well, honesty, the truth and sincerity don't always work, so I thought I would try the other half of the human race. Humor and lies, that must be what the Michigan graduates want. Send me a message. But type real slow cuz I can't read too fast. And single syllable words get you a front row seat! If you just want to write and put this obnoxious fool in his place, that's fine also.
And remember to enjoy the journey. After all, we pay for the ride with our life, and it's a single ride fer yer dollar!
In the best and deepest of friendships, we live every painful moment- savor every triumph- of those we love. We are the shoulders to cry on - the strength from which to draw. The partners with whom to share desires, dreams, hope, despair. We are those who listen . . . and understand.
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