Every person is the creation of himself, the image of his own thinking and believing.
Female 82 years old Lake Como,, Pennsylvania United States
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Profile Views: 2906
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06/21/2021 12:43:07 |
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Mystery, Murder & Mayhem
Thrillers, Animated films (they make me laugh)
Some Sci-Fi
Folk, Country, Classic Rock, Classical, R&B
Historical, fact and fiction, Mysteries, thrillers, some Sci-Fi, Biographies, Auto-Biographies, Romance. I'll read just about anything if it strikes my fancy at the time.
Green - trees, grass, life!
Yellow - It's the world smiling when the sun is shinning.
TOMATOES (can't get enough of them)
frozen vanilla custard
Chinese buffet
Pasta, salads or main course
Chicken, any way you cook it
Blueberry Pie
Most all veggies and fruits
NO, drove me nuts, so I closed my account. I am on Facebook though. LOL
I an not here all that often, but for everyone that leavess a comment, I thank you for stopping by and saying hello. The occasional message tells me I'm welcome when I do pop in.
I live in the mountains of northeast PA, just a country girl - total homebody. Never happier anywhere other than my own little spot on this planet. Retired factory worker living the country life and loving it.
November 10, 2008 my husband Lew, passed away. Have been managing as best as I can since. My middle child, Barry, lives with me and helps me when I need it. I have two abandoned cats for companions. Kiera and Sascha.
A good meal,A good book,A sunny day
A day spent with my BFF, Kate.
Spring is my most favorite time of year. The return of the song birds, wildlife becoming more active and abundant, easier to see. All the many flowers that bloom, and watching a gray, dull world come back to life again as the trees become fuller and greener.
Rudeness, Liars, Hypocrisy, Arrogance
Obnoxious children,
Hard Rock, Rap & Hip-Hop
Overzealous, over-righteous snobs parading as though they know it all!
Knitting, Crochet, Reading
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