Living on a prayer...
Female 66 years old Crystal City, Virginia United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 3072
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Christian - other |
05/31/2010 11:37:41 |
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Any one that helps me pull together a comment:) Right now, I'm pretty partial to aqua.
Mmmmmm, one that is nutritious and doesn't make me any fatter than I am!
Who I'd like to meet:
Upbeat, positive people who are caring of others and desire to brighten the spot they are standing on where ever that happens to be at the moment!
I am a Christian who believes in the fundamantals of the Bible as God's Word. I was raised a Protestant, but I am now on a Catholic Journey! Therefore, I create a post /comment reflecting what my heart felt beliefs are and for a smile:)
Please know that I also believe that each of us is the editor of their own NOTH page. You may accept or deny my comments as this allows me the freedom to create that which is on my heart at any given time. If you find my comments offensive in any way, please delete me as a friend. I will not be offended!
Finally, know that I firmly believe that your relationship with God is between you & Him....not you, ME, and Him.
People who strive to live their spiritual values in a material world!
My page is a picture I enjoy looking at as my page loads. May be boring, but it soothes my soul:)
Dishonesty. Mean spirited folks who gossip or sit and laugh at others. Gossip and those who sit among scoffers and giggle as they listen to gossip!
Myspace, Notoverthehill, Facebook, and trying to keep everything done in a day:)