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Free To Be Me!!!

mem_normal OFFLINE
71 years old
Point Harbor, North Carolina
United States

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JOB: Artist
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 05/16/2009
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 07/11/2013 20:43:12

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May 18 2009, 5:16 pm by Seagurl
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I owned a video store for almost 20 yeas so there are more than I can mention. A few are, The Shawshank Redemption, Songcatcher, Saving Grace, and any comedy that isnt slapstick.

I love folk music,the Beatles, Enya, Celtic Women, and old blues and country. Almost anything except hard rock and rap.

I love to read, mostly thrillers and mysteries. I loved the Harry Potter series, the Golden Compass series,and the Twilight series. I like Dean Koontz, Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, Stephen King and James Patterson among many others. Reading is one of my favorite ways to relax.

I like blues and greens

I like ethnic food especially from India. If I had to pick one food that I could eat anytime or anywhere it would be ice cream. I dont eat ice cream because I don't know when to stop.

I dont know twitter yet but I will in time.

Spring Weight butterfly.spring@verizon.net. My daughter.

I have had a bunch of changes in my life in the last 5 years. Every time I think I am catching up something else comes along. I live at the beach by the Atlantic Ocean. I have 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren. They bring me great joy. My father passed away April 28th 2009 and I am the sole caregiver of my mother who is wheelchair bound. We are both artists. She paints and sells her prints and I make copper, brass, or silver jewelry. I owned a video store for almost 20 years nd sold it about 7 years ago.

I like to read and watch movies. I love to walk on the beach, especially in the winter. I like being a grandmother. I ike my 4 wheel drive truck and being able to drive on the beach to places where there are no other people. I like the mountains and museums and would love to go to Alaska. I like to learn new things and would love to take classes at John C Campbell Folk Art School. This would not be complete if I didnt say I LOVE cats. I share my home with three large cats.

Judgemental predjudiced people. Clutter (probably because I am the biggest clutter bug I know) I am a clutter magnet and long for order.

Reading, Art, Movies, Silversmithing, and Cats. Playing around with the computer. Sewing.

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