Female 82 years old Pitts., Pennsylvania United States
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Profile Views: 1531
[ 97 ]
02/22/2013 14:48:52 |
All but the ones that frighten me.
Books by Sue Grafton, the Alphabet Series.
This is my first Westie who was the love of my life, but a cancer called Hemangiosarcoma took her life way too soon.
Lets just say I'm a grandmother, only my son lives close.
I spent many years rescuing Westies from bad puppy mills, working and helping them to find better homes.
Westies were the love of my life, then along came this very Wild little Cairn, 4 homes before she was a year old, but as soon as we saw her we knew that she just fit in with our Westie girls.
I don't know about you but I've had enough of this snow.
My Faith, what love can do
for a puppy mill furkid.
Before and after picture.

This does not really belong under hobbies but wanted to leave a message for my friends.
Sorry I haven't been around but the little Westie called Faith is ill, she started out with Cushing's, then other things as well as sugar, and as most dogs that have sugar is now blind.
I'm spending my time with her, with love, hope, and Gods will she will respond to our love and be happy.
If you have went through anything like this with your Furkids, feel free to email me.
Hugs to all.
I loved building web pages and telling her stories while Tasha was by my side.
But can't seem to go back and add my other furkids now that the Angels called my SeaWesty home.
You may need to feel around on the buttons a bit as something seems to have moved a bit.
But Just copy and paste to address bar and if it works please come on in and visit for awhile, I'm sure she would love it.