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mem_normal OFFLINE
82 years old
Mount Jackson, Virginia
United States

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JOB: Retired
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RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 12/15/2008
LAST LOGIN: 12/18/2014 15:29:57

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I like action movies, Indiana Jones, James Bond, and a few good romantic type. Some comedy. I loved Mamma Mia, and so many others. They are making some pretty good movies lately.

I like good listening music. I am a huge fan of Il Divo, and Josh Groban. We are blessed to have a good easy listening music station on our local radio channel, and I mostly listen to that. I like old style country music, don't care for the new country rock type. Eddie Arnold, Jim Reeves, Marty Robbins, and of course my favorite Conway Twitty. I love Ian Tyson from Canada too. I have a lot of his albums.

I am a big mystery fan. I have a hard time reading any more because of Glucoma. But I listen to a lot of audio books. I like James Patterson, and Nora Roberts, Rita Mae Brown, Matthew Reily, and other good mystery writers. A new favorite is Emilie Richards. She writes great books

I have a hard time picking a favorite. I love them all. Let's just say I don't like lime green or Orange?? I guess Green would be my over all favorite because it reminds me of nature.

Pasta, chili, Pizza, of course anything fattening.
I am not a big sweets fan though

I don't like seafood except fish, I don't eat rice, liver, and chinese. I am not a vegetarian, but don't eat a lot of meat. I am allergic to Chocolate. What a blessing that is too.

I now know what this is but can't for the life of me know what it is suppose to do??? Oh well I really don't care either..... TWITTER ON dear friends TWITTER ON.....

Hi to all my NOTH friends,
Christmas is upon us and it is the most wonderful magicial time of the year. The spirit of giving, caring and joy is in our hearts. Always remember the reason for the season, the birth of our precious Lord Jesus, our savior. Keep him utmost in our hearts as it is his birth we celebrate.
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all.
Hugs and Love to all. Sandra

God Bless and hugs Sandra

I have been divorced since 1982, I lived in PA for over 30 years and missed my home in Virginia. I had no children, my parents are gone as are all my grandparents. I have a few cousins living in my area, and a lot scattered over the states. I do have many wonderful friends here and in PA. I keep very busy with organizations I belong to and volunteer work I do. I volunteer at the local museum where I am currently putting all the inventory into a computer data base. No one else there uses the computer. We are all mostly elderly volunteers. I belong to a fraternal organization that keeps me very busy. I have a wonderful life. No special talents, I do some crafts to sell at fundraisers. I am an admitted TV junkie and watch when ever I can. I love the Crime Scene Investagation type shows. I also spend way too much time on my computer. I am blessed with many email friends.

I like beautiful sunny days, nature, animals, beautiful music, I like the water, love boating or swimming. I love animals especially Cats, dogs, horses, dolphins, and elephants. I love to fly, very seldom do anymore. I love adventure and traveling. Also which I seldom do anymore. I am not as brave to take off on a trip by myself as I used to be. I love to watch a sunset or sunrise, listen to the birds. Life is beautiful if we take the time to enjoy it. I love most being retired

I don't like negative people, liars, cheats and those who take advantage of the less fortunate or those unable to help themselves. I don't like to be around people who smoke or drink excessively. I do drink a glass of wine or a good bourbon, but not in excess. I don't like this noise they call music today, hard rock, hip hop, rap, and whatever else they call it, those that do may enjoy it without me? I don't like snakes or spiders or other creepy crawlies? Don't like cold weather either. Think Warm..

I don't really have any unless you call my loving to play games on the computer a hobby?? i guess my hobby is volunteering.

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