Female 73 years old Valley United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1794
[ 26 ]
Christian - other |
07/29/2013 08:15:17 |
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Adventure, comedy, romance, family fun, love them all no horror, no sicko's.
Favorites are John Tesh, Yanni, instrumentals mostly. Christmas music in all forms. Christian instrumental, praise & worship depending on the artist.
I enjoy reading all types of fiction, to many favorites to list. I don't do horror or blood & gore.
Blue, yellow, black, white & red :)
I love shrimp! Steak & BBQ
I am taking art classes! It is my plan to learn to paint in oils, keep me in prayer!
I am woman, wife, mother, sister, aunt and grandmother, mother-in-law, I am friend or foe depending on your point of view, I am neither young or old, good or bad. I am the culmination of all I have done and all I have been and I hope in the outcome I am a better person for having been here or there. I enjoy silence, laughter and friends as well as occasional solitude, I enjoy grandchildren and family, I am not sure if I am a good friend though I mean to be. I am often melancholy, sometimes moody, sometimes down right grouchy but they say I have a good heart. I hope so! I love to watch the sunset and see the majesty of mountains. I am who I am, as Popeye says, and that is all that I am. :)
I like peaceful days, gentle breezes, the sound of a baby's laughter; birds singing and swinging on my swing in the gazebo. I like walking on the beach and going to the mountains. I like honesty and people who are real.
I don't like tension and hatred. I don't like arguing politics or religion. I don't like President bashing no matter who he is. I don't like liars or cheating. I don't like false friends. I don't like spiders and snakes or onions. Not necessarily in that order.
I love to read, cook and grow Happy Flowers (that would be Zinnias). I enjoy creative crafts, crochet, ceramics, painting. I enjoy traveling but don't get to do much of it. I enjoy playing games on my computer. I love my dogs, Goose & Scrappy and my cat named Nacho Kitty!