Busy investigating this site, having fun trying to figure everything out, I need more time, my poor little pea brain is forgetting where I was and how to get back there. Oh Boy!
The Healthiest Foods on Earth..........
Apple Supports immunity Fights lung and prostate cancer Lowers Alzheimer’s risk.........
Broccoli Reduces diabetic damage Lowers risk of prostate, bladder, colon, pancreatic, gastric and breast cancer Protects the brain in event of injury.........
Butternut Squash Supports night vision Combats wrinkles Promotes heart health .......
Cantaloupe Bolsters immunity Protects skin against sunburn Reduces inflammation ........
Carrots Antioxidants defend DNA Fights cataracts Protects against some cancers .......
Cauliflower Stimulates detoxification Suppresses breast cancer cell growth ..........
Defends against prostate cancer
Cranberries Alleviate prostate pain Fight lung, colon and leukemia cancer cells
Prevent urinary tract infection ............
Green Cabbage Promotes healthy blood clotting Reduces risk of prostate, colon, breast and ovarian cancers Activates the body’s natural detoxification systems...........
Kale Counters harmful estrogens that can feed cancer Protects eyes against sun damage and cataracts Increases bone density ...........
Mushrooms Promote natural detoxification Reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer Lower blood pressure ...........
Orange Reduces levels of “bad” cholesterol Lowers risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, breast and stomach, and childhood leukemia Pectin suppresses appetite........
Papaya Enzymes aid digestion Reduces risk of lung cancer Enhances fat burning..........
Pineapple Speeds post-surgery Promotes joint health Reduces asthma inflammation ............
Plums & Prunes Counter constipation Antioxidants defend against DNA damage
Protects against post-menopausal bone loss ...........