Female 74 years old Hartwick, New York United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1234
[ 6 ]
01/30/2009 09:14:16 |
The Blue and the Gray
Cold Mounton
Harry Potter- all of them!
Ahh the fiftys,sixties
and anything related to the 1860's
Books by Mary Summer Rain
How to build it yourself books
Harry Potter
My favorite food is when someone else does the cooking!!
I live in a small town in upstate New York with my husband of 33 years and our two sons, Travis 22, and Jacob 20.
We have about 28 acres.
And this is the year for us to start it all over.
We have been working out since we got married and now want to work from home.
Our goal is to be selfsufficent. Raising our own meat, Veg garden and do our crafts.
My Children
My Husband,my best friend!
Our woods
All our pets-We have MANY!
Good Friends
Letting the Kid in me out to play
Coffee in the morning
My garden
Dirty Dishes!
Ahh There's so many
Sewing, Spinning Yarn,
Teddy Bear Making
Civil War Reenacting
PBR-Pro Bull Riding no I don't ride just watch!
Horseback Riding
Long walks in the woods