This is the first day of the rest of my life!
Female 78 years old Peoria, Arizona United States
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Profile Views: 1768
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Christian - other |
02/17/2020 13:20:38 |
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is still an all-time favorite. I was a Tolkien fan and thought that it would be impossible to turn his books into a movie, but they did it!
Also like upbeat comedy, sci-fi (I'm a Trekkie fan), mysteries, adventures, and yes, chick flicks.
Music speaks to the soul, sets a mood, and provides the background for us while we think, work, play, or rest.
The peaceful and healing instrumental music is what I listen to late in the evening. It enhances my quiet time for prayer and reflection, lifting me up to the throne of God.
I enjoy the remarkable music from the Big Band era by such great artists as Glenn Miller, Les Brown, and Tommy Dorsey.
Can't leave out the golden oldies of rock'n roll (1950's and 1960's) as they are some of my old favorites.
As for Christmas music, there's nothing like my old favorites sung by Perry Como, Bing Crosby, and Andy Williams.
Good books are such a treasure! I love a variety of well-written books: the old westerns by Zane Grey, and the intricately woven mysteries with the surprise endings, hair-raising adventures, sci-fi, and fantasy.
But, the greatest book of all is the Bible, and it has changed my life. The words within are alive and life-giving. I can read it over and over again, and each time I discover something new...something never seen before that opens up a whole new understanding. The Bible is not a mundane book, for within its pages are profound revelations of God's love for mankind, His grace, comfort, hope, peace, joy, strength, power, and wisdom.
Sky-blue is my favorite color for clothing with red coming in second place, but the shades of blue, green,and purple are my favorite colors to have in my home.
Italian is good...or, maybe Mexican. No, I think my favorite food is home-grown and home-cooked! There's nothing better than country-fried chicken with biscuits and gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, cole slaw, corn-on-the cob, and sliced tomatoes. Top it all off with fresh cherry or apple pie.
Food just gathered from the garden and home-cooked is mmm-mmm good!
My husband and I grew up in a small rural town in Indiana. The Vietnam war was in full swing, so shortly after we were married he joined the Air Force. Two years of his 4-year tour of duty, he was stationed on Guam. I joined him there, and had the opportunity to go with him to Hong Kong on his R&R. Got to see the Bob Hope show when he brought his troup to Guam during his USO tour of the Vietnam war zone-it was wonderful!
We moved to Arizona in 1974 and raised our family here. Our family became involved in a house church. Life-long friendships were developed that continue this day. It was an awesome experience!
My husband passed away suddenly in 1999, and now my oldest daughter and I share a small place together along with our two dogs. My children and their families live nearby, so I get to see them and my grandchildren quite often-what a joy they all are! The adventures of life continues...
Love, joy, peace, kindness, truth, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, generosity, liberty, justice, plain speaking, freedom of choice, and freedom of speech as provided for us in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. To keep this blood-bought freedom, we must be vigilant and stand up our hard-won rights, or they will be stolen away from us...bit by bit. Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Selfishness, foolishness, arrogance, rebellion, hatred, cruelty, violence, disregard for human life, jealousy, greed, control, lies and deception, tolerance that has become blind to the difference between right and wrong, and the tyranny of political correctness.
Must admit that my computer takes up too much of my time. I like sketching, pastels, crafts, embroidery, gardening, cooking, and baking.
Just got a midi keyboard to replace my piano. Now I need to learn how to use it. It does so much more than a piano! I would like to learn to use it for praise and worship.