Male 57 years old Rockford, Illinois United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1619
   [ 449 ]
10/05/2013 12:23:17 |
My Favorite is country and 80`s
Nothing like curling up with a blanket and reading this little novel.
Local 364 Electrical Workers!


Hot coffe Nothing in it or on it

I`ve wanted to change this since I Logged in. well here it goes;
My best Friend is my wife "Heather" we got married 20 years ago this year. Ive never loved anyone more in this world! Nobody else in the world gets me. I can be some what of a cut up sometimes.
Then there are my 3 Kids Scott,Connor,and my daughter Allyson. Some people say I need to quit being their friend and grow up and be more of a parent. well na na naboo boo!they are all my pride and joy what would we do with out are kids!
I love working with the youth of my area Ive been the Scoutmaster for Troop24 witch me and 3 friends of mine started 5 years ago. Me and my friend Andy are the last 2 people left who started the troop.
In this world I only have 4 other people I call true Friends There is
Andy "Monkey Boy"
Bud "lumberJack"
and "Ranger" Deb.
If I ever needed anything or need to talk about lifes bumps in the road these are the people I could turn to.Iam blessed to have many friends but these are the ones I trust most in the world and probally somewhat understand my strange humor.
The fourth person would be Debs Late Husband "Ranger" Al.
I`ve been a scout since I was 6years old Al and Deb are the only people in 30 some years who ever made me feel like I belonged out at the camp. I miss the long talks we use to have when I went out there on the weekends.Deb and Al are the ones who gave Andy,Bud, and I our nick names. Until now I never knew that they were good with the nicknames lol!
On July 30th 2008 "I belive" I went to Al`s wake. I cant say enough good things about Al but the more I try the more choked up I get "Deb please forgive me".
On August 1st 2008 I had a horrific accident at work due to my suit I cant get into details. is all I can say is I fell 20feet. my injurys were life threating and Iam lucky to be here to share this story with you fine people. Thanks to Deb I have found the hill so during the day when I have no one to talk to or vent I still Have all my wonderful Friends here.
Thanks for reading my story I look forward to visting with everyone on the hill. thanks for all the support!
GREG / My friends call me Sparky
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I wrote this in 2008 after a life changin event in my life! I got my work comp and My love of my life craped on me and left me. Wow every thing in lfe sucks! Iam in the process of fighting for my children they are my world!
If any one knows how to get a hold of deb please email me at THANKS! the date is 12-02-2011
Doctors,needles,Wheel chairs,and physical theraphy
Scouts,Camp Lowden BSA

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