Star Design Lady
Female 75 years old Barstow, California United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2069
[ 17 ]
Christian - other |
09/29/2014 12:20:34 |
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Patch Adams and Awakenings with Robin Williams. Many or maybe all Jim Carrey comedies.
I like most music especially praise & worship music. I don't like heavy metal or rap music.
The Gift of Fear was very interesting. I also read The Leading Lady about the dog that led Tom Sullivan - Blind Entertainer, around.
Red,green,blue,burgundy,yellow,purple, etc. NOT orange!
I have pulmonary fibrosis of unknown origin. I have never even smoked a minute in my life.
Need more friends! Would like to date more often. Would like a boyfriend soulmate (a husband?).
I love God, worship service, praise & worship music, honesty, graphic designing, most animals, exploring the internet and a whole lot more.
No sex outside of marriage, God's way! I'm looking for a nice, single, honest, faithful, (preferably born-again like me) Christian man or you for me. No smoking and little if any drinking. No drug users. I would like him to have something/s in common with me, liking most music, doing crafts, reading, gardening, creating recipes or graphic design work especially.
I like most music. I love playing Monopoly. I like doing crafts. Would like swimming, skating, swinging on a swing & bicycling if health/oxygen worked to that extent.
I'd probably like skiing, hot air ballooning, skydiving, and scuba diving and a lot more too. I especially like quiet times. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs.
I do great graphic design work. I do web pages too but don't know everything.
I don't like people to smoke, drink or do drugs more for their own good then for mine. Although the world would be a better place without people who smoke, drink or do drugs (less crime and sicknesses).
I don't like being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis of unknown origin, and Diabetes. I have problems breathing and use oxygen.
I like doing crafts, reading, creating recipes or graphic design work especially.
Love most animals
Writing Poetry
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