We now live in Elsie, Michigan
Female 81 years old Elsie, Michigan United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 973
[ 60 ]
02/09/2011 14:07:51 |
A star is born with Barbara Strisand I think that how you spell it
50 and 60 and old country.
Mary Higgins Clark is my favorite author, and I did like the Harry Potter books
My favorite color is red and yellow comes in second
Lobster, prime rib,asparagus
Well I could tell you that I was all move in but that would be a lol.But I am gaining there is more in than out. We lost one of our dogs her name was maggie she was with us for 14years we will truely miss her.
Well I use to be a professional clown.I have been marraid for 48 wonderful year. have two daughters 9 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren, I have one dog his name is Luckie and 5chicken and one Rooster.
I like the ocean really any large body of water fishing and long walks on the beaches reading Playing with my greatgrandchildren going for walks with my husband, playing some card games not all.
people that are two face and people that lie
reading, painting on stones, and playing on the computer listen to music.planting Flowers in the yard
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