I´m sooo happy to be here!
Female 60 years old Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 840
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02/10/2009 21:22:07 |
Too many to list. Casablanca is still a winner, tough.
Folk (American, English, Irish), Progressive Rock, Soft Jazz, Hard Rock (some), Baroque (all I´ve heard so far), Opera.
Tolkien, Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, Asimov, Anne McAffrey and some Brazilian writers like Clarice Lispector, Manuel Bandeira and Fernando Sabino. And POETRY, lots of it!
My favorite color is green in all its shades. I also like colors that remind me of earth and stone - deep browns, ochres, warm greys. I guess all the forest and sea we have in Rio has gotten to me.
What I cook, Japanese, Italian, Brazilian
I love the description Anne McAffrey gives of herself in her books: "I have green eyes and I freckle; the rest changes without notice". Well, i do not think she´ll mind if I use it too. :)
I like people, of all ages and shapes. Like meeting them, talking to them, listening to them.
Love my cats and generally like all pets.
I like teaching, listening to music, watching movies and reading A LOT. Like cooking, crochet sewing and any other craftwork I have time for.
I DO NOT like arrogant people.
I DO NOT like people who lie.
I DO NOT like aggression.
Cooking, crochet, medieval Celtic studies, drawing, writing.
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