Female 57 years old Slagle, Louisiana United States
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Profile Views: 2239
[ 10 ]
03/17/2015 15:28:20 |
I am an Army Wife, of 7 years. My husband has been over seas so many times I've lost count. Praise God every time he makes it home. Between us we have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren. My son's girlfriend has 3 other children and ason's daughter's husband hae 3 other children, so we have 8 Grandchildren and another on the way. Jays Daughter has a lil boy Andrew, was born on Christmas eve 20013. We were home in Illinois for his birth. My son Cole has a daughter born this year August the 13th 2014. I was able to be in Alabama for her birth, her name is Brently. My daughter Whitney has no children . She is single . We have 4 dogs, Budrol, Angel, Misty and Buddy. Right now we are stationed in LA. I'm getting ready to go to Ala. for Christmas, can't wait to see my granddaughter.
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