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Susie 2105
The nicest person I know and the best friend to have!!

mem_normal OFFLINE
68 years old
United Kingdom

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JOB: Disabled
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 06/14/2008
LAST LOGIN: 03/22/2014 10:39:55

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Titanic-I live very close to where the Titanic was built and launched and have visited the new Titanic Building and it is absolutely awesome.
The Green Mile
The Thorn Birds
Shawshank Redemption.
Pretty Woman
Notting Hill

I love most types of music except jazz. It always depends on my mood as to what I listen to but I always put something on to keep me going.

The Red Paper Clip, which is about a guy who was tired of his job and he sat at his desk with this red paper clip in his hand and decided to see if he could swop it for something better. It is how he eventually became a multi-millionaire through doing this.

My favourite colour is blue. Everyone tells me when I wear blue that it really suits me so I have stuck to blue.

My favourite food I have to say would have to be the homemade Sunday roast with all the trimmings, but if I go out for dinner I love Italian food.

07/29/2013 08:16:03

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I am a 56 year young lady. I call myself a recycled teenager!! I am disabled and recently diagnosed with Cancer but my positive attitude and true belief that laughter is the best medicine will get me through anything. I may put pictures on here that may offend some people but in my eyes, if you can't laugh at yourself, you must be miserable. Apologies if I offend anyone in advance. I am one of the most genuine, soft, sentimental people who would do anything for anyone if I could and anything that is ever told to me NEVER leaves me and I just wish everyone was the same. I'm blowing my own trumpet here but I'm just saying it as it is-the truth.

I like genuine, honest people but I thrive on fun. Just because I am disabled doesn't mean I can't have fun, and lots of it. I have a policy each day to make as many people laugh or at least smile every day. I keep a running total and reckon if I slip below 10, it's time to pull my socks up and go up a gear.
I love travelling and scenery. That's why I will be putting a lot of scenery pictures on here.
My husband left me for a younger able bodied woman when I became disabled after a really happy 26 year marriage.
We had 3 children, 2 daughters and 1 son and I have just had my first grand daughter and love her so much.
I have 1 crazy pure white cat called Sasha and a bearded dragon called Spyro.

I can't stand dishonesty, or cruelty or bitterness of any kind. I personally don't mind what anyone does with their lives and love a good discussion about things I don't agree with and ending up agreeing to disagree rather than a row. So no matter what anyone does-it's their life but please don't try and force your ideas on me.
I also hate animal cruelty and anyone who has a pet and doesn't look after them properly, don't deserve to keep them.
What I don't like at all is that because of my condition I have to go for treatment which is extremely painful and makes me lapse in and out of consciousness and I'm heavily sedated on Morphine for 3-4 weeks and may even ask you to marry me when I'm under the influence...lol But to me the bad days make the good days GREAT!!!

My favourite hobby is card crafting. I get lost in time when I'm crafting. I would need a spare room for all my stuff because it's taking over the house.I love Comedy of any kind and seek it wherever I go. You're all going to get used to my spelling as I am from UK and words like favourite and colour are spelt differently.

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