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Don't worry, be happy.

mem_normal OFFLINE
69 years old

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MEMBER SINCE: 07/23/2008
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LAST LOGIN: 07/15/2020 00:15:32

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Like almost all music.
Country and Rock.
But most of all, I love to listen
when my son play his trumpet.

I love Diana Gabaldon's books.

I am 65 years young. Live in Sweden, on the west coast, just by the border to Norway. My hometown is Strömstad.
I live with my boyfriend and our 22 year old son, Rasmus. I had a little dog, but she sadly died,
I miss her very much.
But now we have a lovely German Shepard-boy. His name is Phelix and he is 9 years old.
Live in a house outside town and have the forrest just outside the house.
Was married before and have two children from that. They are grown, Jenny 45 and Tommy 43 years old. Jenny have two boys, Marcus 23 and Calle 20. Tommy have also two children, Lisa 18 years old and Elias 13 years old. So, I am a grandmother too..lol.
And I have my best friend and "sister" who live in Florida..
I work in a small school where I am personal assistant to a boy with heartproblems. I also work as teatcher one day a week. It is fun to work with kids. they are 11- 12 years old.

I like people, nature and animals.
I often are in a small western Town
that we have built, It is open every summer
and people come and have fun. When we are open
the members in Town Always is dressed in
old style clothes. We live like it was in
the old west. I love to be there.
If you want to look at our Town you can
go to rockriver.se or Rock River Western Town on Facebook.

I don't like people who are not honest. And I don't like snakes and spiders.

I like to paint pictures and work with my camera.
And I love music.

Displaying 4 out of 2206 comments
05/18/2024 04:17:36

Greetings Kristina of the Norse

May be an image of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and text that says 'B 5/17 5/17/2024 2024'

May be an image of 1 person, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and text

May be an image of 1 person and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

05/17/2024 03:59:15

Good morning Kristina. For the last few days I have been inundated with something from another planet. First it was a cough and then some things I was not able to put my finger on, and now, a minor sore throat so far. I was planning on going to the space station but that plan is off the table. I shall persevere. It is Friday the eve of the weekend, so for people who have a life, enjoy yourself. Yesterday, because of the rain and so forth, I did not go for my exercise. I may not go today as I feel obscure. Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

she was one of the best screamers I have heard............ until a month ago or so, in the Mother's room at church of some little girl.

May be a black-and-white image of 2 people and text

05/16/2024 04:28:30

 Good morning Kristina. It's wet out there. Rain will continue until the clock strikes 8 AM. I will forgo the walk, I think today. Everything today will be a game time decision. I have been meaning to dust my house with the vacuum for several years, so maybe............ Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 1 person

05/15/2024 03:33:58

Good morning Kristina. Happy HUMP DAY. Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be a doodle of text

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