I'm A Lady from Texas
Female 93 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1307
[ 2 ]
Christian - other |
02/10/2011 18:07:13 |
Giant, Gone With The Wind, Patton, Lonesome Dove..and just about anything with Robert Duval and Tom Selleck.
T.V. Series: NCIS, Law & Order, The Unit, CSI, Masterpiece Theater
Country/Western and music from the 40's, 50's, 60's.
Mostly historical novels but some non-ficton.
Mexican, Chinese, and a good old-fashioned hamburger with the 'works': lettuce, tomato, onion, pickels, mustard, well-done hamburger patty and the bun should be toasted on the grill...with a side of good french fries and a glass of iced tea... that's "fiiine dining."... once in a while. :-)
Easy going ... but won't put up with arrogant, crude, rude, coarse behavior for very long.
Computer, reading, going to flea markets, museums, and a concert or play now and then.
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