Female 59 years old Eagan, Minnesota United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2023
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Referrals: 0 Who referred me: PamMcM
09/23/2008 14:49:27 |
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Steel Magnolias
Best Friends Wedding
Pretty Woman
The Notebook
Pay it Forward
80s music and Praise music
forensic or mystery or crime books
chinese, chocolate, burgers, meatloaf, soft bread, cake, cookies, corn, home grown tomatoes, spinach salad, bacon, spaghetti,
Married 15 years - one son - 13 yrs old.
Computers, mystery books, my son and hubby, Pammy, laughing, sleeping, painting, sun, flowers, naps, chocolate, ice tea, strawberries and raspberries, flip flops, jean jackets, nail polish, lip smakers, roses, laughing, my parents,
For TV: American Idol, So You Think you can Dance, Design Star, HGTV, CNN, SVU, ER,
seafood, getting up early, cleaning bathrooms, humidity, driving in snow, raisins, war, guns,
talking on IM, reading, surfing the web, watching HGTV, painting statues, cross stitch, decorating for holidays,
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