Lessons Learned and My New Palm Pilot !!!!!!
My New Palm Pilot .. Keeps me Organized !!!
1.....Don't eat large blocks of solid chocolate if you have a permanent retainer in your mouth...particularly immediately after meeting with a personal trainer, or you will be fighting karma and the laws of physics!
2.....With any medical procedure, it's best to get the most current information and not rely on information from when you were in 2nd grade.
3....Digging holes for gardening is good; digging holes because you don't know how to give your G/F ... B/F a compliment is not.
4.....If your relationship is secure, your G/F ... B/F...should be able to handle being told that you consider another human being physically attractive.
5..... Long trips give perspective to short trips, although even a short trip with whining may feel like a long trip.
6.....Sign up for Donkey of the Week by calling 1-800-ASS-WEEK.
7.....Even Polish food tastes better with chopsticks.
8.....Heed the warning on the treadmill that encourages you to rest your feet on the side of the platform when first turning it on
9.....Turkey bologna does not belong in chandeliers no matter what your 16 old tells you
10...Yes there really are rules about Valentine's Day in preschool
11....Even with all the sex in movies, music videos and music, a naked blow up doll still has the power to shock your neighbors
12.....Who knew that one bag of tater tots could lead to so many questions
13.....A burrito is NOT a sandwich
14.....Bribery pays off
15.....Rice makes a mess. Play with it at someone else’s home
16.....Ant farms, whether real or virtual, can be an entertaining diversion
17.....One thing that every parent fears is a bizarre adult sneaking around a preschool parking lot. One thing that every parent will probably be at one time or another is a bizarre adult sneaking around a preschool parking lot
18......Public Singing May be Required
19.....And last but not least ..... At the beach Swim diapers do not absorb pee