Thank You Everyone for such Beautiful comments and Loving Words!!! Thank You for enjoying My page and commenting on how Beautiful it is..I do take Pride in My Work in What I Create and Design..I have Created & Designed 20 pages over at ""...I still have over 100 pages over at though sometime this year 2011 I will be "DELETING" "ALL" of My Pages at for I do not care for the way they have done My pages for now they are all messed Up because of their New changes and they did not inform Me so that I could do something about it before hand so now My pages there do not look right and I'm highly disappointed in MySpace to say the least!!!!!...Have a Great Blessed & Safe Weekend, Hugs & Smiles, Christie aka "TxWhiteRose"
I was born on March 15, 1952, and was Adopted when I was 1 year and 11 months old..I'm a Pisces,I'm Very Romantic,I'm a Very HONEST Lady & I do expect it in return, if You can not be HONEST from the "GET GO",then please do not contact Me,I believe in ""GOD'S"" words & I believe in the "Golden Rule"..I'm Very Strong Willed, Very Determined, & Yes I can be Very Stubborn at times but who isn't nowadays,right? I have High Morals,High Standards,& High Values..I was raised on a small Country Farm in Texas..I was born in Oklahoma but raised in Texas..I am Very Proud to be an American and just as Proud to be Part Native American(Chickasaw),also Part Irish and Part Dutch..
I'm a Very Loyal,Honest,Sincere,Caring,Understanding Lady,I am also a "Southern Belle" for My Mama was born and raised in Louisana so I have those Standards as well...I will be HONEST with You and all I ask is that You be HONEST with Me...I dislike & will not tolerate LIARS,CHEATERS,OR ABUSERS(ALL FORMS)....
I am a Mother to 3 Grown Children~A Daughter age 37,and Twins A Son and a Daughter age 33..didn't know I was having Twins til delivery table and He's older by 3 minutes...They have Blessed Me with 10 Precious GrandChildren~7 Grandson's & 3 Granddaughter's and 1 of those is already in ""HEAVEN"" watching over Us..
The Music I like: Country,Jazz,Oldies 50's,Classical,Barber Shop,Bluegrass and so many more!!
The books I like &/or read: The Bible, All of Dr.Phil's books, All of Joyce Meyers books and of course Romance Novels, and some westerns, and anything that has to do with Native American or Irish...
My most Favorite of the Roses, is the White Rose..just something about it that just melts Me..Of course I'm a Lady and I love all Rose's, and all Flowers and Plants, just that the "White Rose" just melts My Heart!!!
TV shows day or night: Dog:The Bounty Hunter,CSI:Miami,NCIS,Keeping Up With The Kardashian's,Paula Deen on HGTV Foodnetwork,Dr.Phil,The Doctors,Judge Judy,Judge Joe Mathis,Days of Our Lives,Young & The Restless,As The World Turns,Golden Girls,GMC,and so many more
Movies: Gone With The Wind,Pretty Woman,Gone in 60 Seconds,All of Steven Seagal's movies, All of Chuck Norris's movies, Blazing Saddles,On Golden Pond,All of the "GodFather's" Movies,All of Elvis's Movies, and all of John Wayne's movies and oh so many more...I DO NOT LIKE & WILL NOT WATCH HORROR!!!!
Sports I watch at times: Dallas Cowboys,Texas Rangers,Dallas Mavericks,New Orleans Saints,L.A. Lakers,The Steelers,Indy 500,Kentucky Derby,Nascar,Pool,Figure Skating,Ice Skating,Karate or anything that involves this
Sports I play at times: Table Tennis, PuttPutt Golf, Pool, Volleyball, a little Basketball, Soft Ball
Games I play at times: Cards, Domineo's, Board Games..ask Me if I play it I just might...
I enjoy Creating and Designing Web Pages, Listening to Music, Watching TV, being with My Family, being with My Friends, reading sometimes, going to movies(which I haven't been in years cause I don't like going by Myself), playing Pool & I have My own Cue stick,bowling,puttputt golf,and just window shopping and riding around exploring and looking at different things,going to flea markets,going out to eat, and also love it when that "Special Man" does the cooking and the clean up & just "pampers" Me for I can truly "Pamper" Him to a Tee though a Lady truly desires and wants it in return!!!
I so Love Candles, there can never ever be enough Candles, and I love soft music and I love slow dancing though it's been awhile for that too...Like I said I'm a Very Romantic Lady and So the "Special Man" that would be in My life I would Hope and ""PRAY"" that He will be just as Romantic if not more so than Me to be able to keep up with Me in the Romance department...and after becoming a "Couple" and just because We are the Romance doesn't stop, for it needs to "Keep on going" and that there would "always" be a "SPECIAL DATE NIGHT" every week..Of course every night is date night though I feel that "Special Man" out there knows what I'm talking about...I want someone who wants to "GROW OLD" with Me, Accepts Me for Me, Does not try to change Me to fix their expectations, Someone who will walk beside Me hand in hand, not behind nor in front of Me...So let's Love & Laugh together..For We deserve,Want and Desire and Long and Crave for Love,Laughter TOGETHER not being "alone"...
Thank You for stopping in and taking time out from Your busy schedule to read My profile..Hope You have a Great Blessed day/week/evening, and be safe, remember don't drink and drive, if You do,Please hand over the keys to someone or take a taxi or call someone,cause YOU cannot be replaced for YOU are worth it!!!!! Hugs and Smiles, Christie ...P.S. There's much more to learn about Me!!!