Female 73 years old United States
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Profile Views: 1141
[ 2 ]
06/20/2013 06:51:36 |
Gone with the wind, Titanic, Somewhere in Time, Pretty woman, I know there's more but can't think of them right now.
Oldies, old country, some blues and jazz, alternative, some new age.
Time travel (all of Diana Gabaldon), historical novels, fantasy (Lord of the Rings, Inkheart, etc.), some mystery like Tony Hillerman, sometimes junky romance (ya know the mood thing).
Turquoise, teals, olive greens, purple, black, white, copper.
Ice cream, CHOCOLATE, strawberries,CHOCOLATE, pizza, CHOCOLATE, spaghetti, CHOCOLATE, garlic toast, tomatoes fresh of the vine, did I say CHOCOLATE?
I've been married for 35 years to a wonderful (sometimes difficult ha ha) man. Have 2 fabulous grown sons age 31 and 34, 2 fantastic daughter-in-laws and 3 AWESOME INCREDIBLE GRAND-DAUGHTERS, ages 4, 2 and 2.
I traveled throughout the US for 20 years doing Arts/crafts tired of the traveling and as anyone who's self-employed knows, the long hours. Took a total turn about and got a job at a landscape/nursery garden center for 8 years doing plant sales and care, also landscape designs, now I think I'm an expert in anything green (which of course is a fantasy). Oh, an even drove the bobcat loading rock, mulch and black dirt. Then...took another total turn about and am currently working in the Health care system at an Assisted living home....that's a 'love/hate' relationship...ha ha...ya know there's good days and bad days...especially when the flu's going around...maybe that's more info than you wanted to know? Guess that's all folks!
Gardening, flowers, flowers, flowers, art, being creative, my family, reading, quiet, all birds, animals, my 2 cats (1 of which is very sweet and loving and the other who has a split personality complex)...Honesty, sunshine, warm rain, fishing.
Liers, two-faced people, stealing, crabby people, rudeness, cold weather (that's the -20 to -40 below stuff)...tons of snow, anything winter. I suppose this list could get longer but will stop now.
Think I hit most of that in the "What I like" catagory...Gardening, flowers, art, crafts etc..