Do it now!! You shall not pass this way again.
Female 65 years old Lavington Australia
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09/08/2015 16:52:00 |
If it makes me laugh, cry or think then I enjoy it. A movie or TV show that can illicit all those feelings in me is a winner in my opinion.
Ok, I confess...I occasionally like a Die Hard movie as well, but that has more to do with Bruce Willis than actual movie content. :)
Music is such a gift. I can't imagine a day without it in some form or another. As long as that form doesn't take the shape of heavy/death/thrash metal, rap or really scatty out there jazz.
I prefer ballads (what a surprise!)love country. Classical, showtunes, pop, instrumentals, soundtracks, celtic...I love it all.
I'd read the phonebook in desperation if I had nothing else to read.
I pretty much like most genres except DIY, which is my own ineptness than anything wrong with the manual/instructions.
Bring on the biographies, science fiction, history books, fiction and non fiction alike, much loved childrens novels, hysterically funny autobiographies, the romance novel a la Nicholas Sparks, travel brochures...anything...I will read them all.
Feed me anything thats been cooked with love and I'll eat it. Japanese cuisine is currently my mad passion. I've only met very few foods that I don't care for..the list is short!
I'm a big softy...queen sookie lala. I'm moved to tears by phone company ads and my childs achievements, poetry, books, movies, music, sunrises, happy events and so many things.
Unfortunately I'm also moved to tears by most current events and news programs, man's inhumanity and cruelty.
Thank goodness that scientists say a good cry is good for you emotionally and physically...heck I must be amongst the fittest in the world!
The ocean, laughter, sunrise, morning coffee, autumn and winter.
Ignorance, apathy, waste and cruelty. Celery, watermelon, parsnips and turnips. People who are constantly 'bored'
The usual, no secrets here. Reading, walking, gossiping over a good cup of coffee. Nagging people to the brink of insanity with the "3 R's" Reduce Recycle Reuse.
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