Female 69 years old Boucherville, Québec Canada
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Profile Views: 2165
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04/22/2015 14:53:54 |
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Will-E Bear at the wheel! Let's ride!
Living life to the fullest, appreciating what I have.
Those who know me know that my family comes above all else for me.
This flower is for you, Mom. I miss you.
With love.

I love the simple things in life, the sounds of the birds early in the morning, the fresh scent of flowers.
The smile on my puppy's face when I come home from work at night.

Basically ... overuse of the word "basically". How many times can it be used in one sentence? No, don't tell me, I already know!
Having to talk to tech support... for just about anything!
People who try to impress. Keep it simple. Life is too beautiful to complicate.
Collecting owls, trying to find at least one different owl from places I vacation. Beading, creating and selling jewellery.
This owl stands in our front garden, keeping watch on things for us.
The blue/green piece on the left was created by Mom.
Virginia_A has 10 friend(s)