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mem_normal OFFLINE
79 years old
Little Rock, Arkansas
United States

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MEMBER SINCE: 07/05/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 10/29/2008 20:24:46

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Dr. Strangelove, Young Frankenstein, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Casablanca, Evita, Fantasia (and all the old Disney animated movies), Jurassic Park, Shrek, Harry Potter (like 'em all), War of the Worlds (both versions), Lord of the Rings, Excalibur.
Musicals (too many to list but Oklahoma and Singing in the Rain are two of them), Predator, Carmen (the one with Placido Domingo), Popeye (Shelly Duvall and Robin Williams).

Opera, classical, jazz, big-band, swing, classics of the 40's and 50's. Carl Orff's Carmina Burana.
Broadway musicals like the Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Les Miserables, Jesus Christ Superstar (not the movie though).
Leonard Cohen, Frank Sinatra
Prokofiev, Isao Tomita, Strauss, Vivaldi, Khatchaturian, Grieg, Smetana, Vollenveider.
Marty Robbins Gunfighter Ballads.
Best of Chad Mitchell Trio (Lizzie Borden, Super Skier, John Birch Society etc).

Mysteries, Sci-fi, classic fiction like Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice, some Horror (Steven King, Brian Lumley), historical fiction.

Olive drab and other greens
Desert colors
Shades of purple

Mexican, Italian and Chinese. Roast beef. Pork, especially ham or chops. Chicken fried, baked, barbecued. Cheese, eggs, cashews, blueberries, blackberries.

I live in Little Rock, AR. Fortunately, I've lived in much better places :) Unfortunately, three of my grandchildren live here, and I'm too old to traipse around the country any more.

I have two sons; the older one, Jean-Paul, owns a gym here in Little Rock, and has three children (Julian 10, Sophie 7, Ethan 4). He has a lovely wife who works in IT at the Capitol, and a beautiful home that he just bought a year ago.

My other son (Jazno) teaches animation in Seattle, Washington. He worked 11 years as an effects animator for Disney before 3d animation got so popular and most of the 2d animators got laid off. He has a daughter (Bella) who is almost three.

I'm originally from Colorado. My first husband was from Kansas, so I lived back and forth between CO and KS for 12 years or so. After the divorce my ex's work took him to Johnson City TN, where I moved for a short time.

I met my second husband there; he was a charming ne'er-do-well and led me a merry dance for 25 years. We lived in Denver for a while but since he was from Massachusetts we spent about 12 years there (Northampton, Chicopee, Greenfield). While my son worked at Disney, we visited and John fell in love with it. We moved there a year or so later and went to work for Disney for the next 13 months. We couldn't afford to stay working there and moved back to MA for a while, but he was a kid yearning for his Magic Kingdom and we tried moving back in early 2001.

9/11 ruined the economy for a while; we moved to Arkansas since my son was established here and we were broke. We lived in Hot Springs for a while, but we couldn't find consistent work. My husband ran off with a nurse and I moved in with my son until I could afford to rent an apartment.

That's kind of the bare bones version, but gives you an idea why I'm familiar with places and themes that may come up in future conversations.

Science fiction, fantasy, mountains, pansies, New England, the southwest, interesting people. Playing games with my grandchildren, playing computer games. Programs about forensic science, dinosaurs, outer space, the earth, history.
Babies. The Denver Broncos. Libraries. Heavy rain and thunder.
Leadville, CO.
Gloucester, MA.
Autumn in Western Massachusetts.
Yankee Candle.
Disney World.

Sit-coms, rap music, hip-hop.
Racism, sexism, hate groups of any sort.
Slasher movies.
Religious fanatics.
George Bush and all his ilk.

Reading, playing games, playing with Paint Shop Pro for my graphics board.
I'm starting to take a lot of photos - I may get more into photography if I ever master my camera :)

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